
AMERICAN MOSAIC #817 - Amy's Answering Machine

By Nancy Steinbach


Sunday, May thirteenth is Mother's Day in the United States. It is a day to honor mothers. Most Americans send their mothers flowers or give them gifts on Mother's Day. Amy Borkowsky has a suggestion for an unusual Mother's Day gift - a record and book she produced about her own mother. Steve Ember has more.


Amy Borkowsky lives in New York City, more than one-thousand kilometers away from her mother. Amy is more than thirty years old, yet her mother still worries about her health and safety. So she leaves unwanted messages of advice on Amy's telephone answering machine. Amy saved the funny messages and began playing them to audiences when she performed as a comedian. They were a big hit. So, last year, she released a record of some of them. It was called "Amy's Answering Machine."Here is an example.

((CUT 1: 35 secs

AMY: So I'm an adult, OK, and I have a job, my own apartment...but my mother still doesn't seem to realize that I'm capable of taking care of some really very basic needs.

MA: Hi Amila...It's me, honey. If you haven't already left to go to the Motor Vehicle Bureau, keep in mind that the wait is very long, so before you go you may want to empty your bladder. All right, honey?That's all for now. Bye Bye. ))

This year, Amy Borkowsky has written a book, "Amy's Answering Machine: Messages From Mom". It includes messages not on the record.It also includes stories behind each of the messages, and cartoon pictures of the funny situations described in the book. We leave you now with another message from Amy Borkowsky's mother. This one is about her birthday.

((CUT 2: :47

"Happy Birthday To You,

Happy Birthday To You,

Happy Birthday, Dear Amila,

Happy Birthday to you.

How old are you now?

How old are you now?

Better hurry and find a husband,

Before your ovaries shut down."

All right, that's just a little creativity for my birthday girl.

I love you sweetie.))

Voice of America Special English