English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 962

274361	Take a breath and hold it.	CK	1
276227	I forget who said it.	CK	1
279405	I'd bet my life on it.	CK	1
291469	He went on doing it.	CK	1
320332	I feel strange about it.	Nero	1
320461	I'd like to replace it.	CK	1
322127	Do you really mean it?	CK	1
402402	Great weather, isn't it?	CK	1
407220	I didn't expect it.	FeuDRenais	1
410588	You'd better believe it.	CK	1
430919	What sort of play is it?	CK	1
433745	Don't worry about it.	CK	1
436459	I can take care of it.	lukaszpp	1
502329	Don't worry. I'll do it.	mwgamera	1
623609	I can't get over it.	Dorenda	1
625507	I still haven't done it.	Joana	1
643756	How expensive is it?	Guybrush88	1
759362	I already bought it.	vgigregg	1
770402	Have you ever done it?	marloncori	1
785516	Please tell me about it.	CK	1
887117	She forced him to do it.	CK	1
984621	I suppose you like it.	sacredceltic	1
1025729	Tom forgot who said it.	CK	1
1121830	I know how to do it.	alexmarcelo	1
1141045	Tom wanted to buy it.	CK	1
1141153	Tom talked me into it.	CK	1
1164172	Tom shouldn't have done it.	CK	1
1209779	Do you want to see it?	Guybrush88	1
1268229	I can't remember it.	sacredceltic	1
1392380	I made a mess of it.	enteka	1
1451342	I guess you can't do it.	Eldad	1
1519508	I can do without it.	Vy	1
1520895	Tom got sucked into it.	Spamster	1
1553884	Tom still can't afford it.	Spamster	1
1565471	I look forward to it.	Guybrush88	1
1611199	I never asked for it.	Spamster	1
1619690	I'm happy you liked it.	Spamster	1
1621032	I know I can do it.	Spamster	1
1621033	I know we can do it.	Spamster	1
1636259	I don't want to hear it.	Spamster	1
1744320	I was forced to do it.	belgavox	1
1829535	I can barely see it.	Spamster	1
1839635	Why didn't you do it?	CK	1
1841679	I just don't believe it.	CK	1
1841686	I don't understand it.	CK	1
1860487	Don't even think of it.	CK	1
1868403	Tom couldn't have done it.	CK	1
1886270	Can I think about it?	CK	1
1886838	That's better, isn't it?	CK	1
1887267	I don't recognize it.	CK	1