English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 861

284266	Let's do it when he comes.	CK	1
2240654	We're quite comfortable.	CK	1
2244936	Are you comfortable?	CK	1
2248131	I'm not comfortable.	CK	1
1867925	Tom seems comfortable.	CK	1
2251304	That's very comforting.	CK	1
1877590	Tom's letters stopped coming.	CK	1
2275972	I don't care who's coming.	CK	1
2285824	Don't tell Tom I'm coming.	CK	1
2374838	I knew Tom was coming.	CK	1
2375759	I knew you were coming.	CK	1
2406095	I saw that one coming.	CK	1
2407712	I thank you for coming.	CK	1
2645209	Well, aren't you coming?	CK	1
2645616	Why aren't they coming?	CK	1
2647428	Tom saw Mary coming.	CK	1
2653151	I hear someone coming.	Hybrid	1
3024427	Does Tom know you're coming?	CK	1
2276280	I hope Tom is coming.	CK	1
1868099	Tom knew I was coming.	CK	1
1961496	I thought Tom was coming.	CK	1
3094334	Tom declined to comment.	CK	1
252926	I love that commercial.	CK	1
2645691	We have that in common.	CK	1
2871604	What's all the commotion?	CK	1
1494220	Tom is a communist.	Spamster	1
2240765	We're having company.	CK	1
2243283	They parted company.	CK	1
2299571	I built this company.	CK	1
2646004	Thanks for the company.	CK	1
3123335	Would you like company?	CK	1
3174760	Tom kept me company.	CK	1
3183592	It's a big company.	CK	1
3183615	Tom quit the company.	CK	1
312940	She quit the company.	CK	1
2644672	Where is your compassion?	CK	1
2202661	Tom is compassionate.	CK	1
1318823	I think he's competent.	CK	1
2645856	Tom is quite competent.	CK	1
2243714	They're your competition.	CK	1
2249243	It's so competitive.	CK	1
3172404	Are you competitive?	CK	1
3330605	I'm not competitive.	CK	1
2202665	Tom is competitive.	CK	1
2361929	I'm sure Tom will complain.	CK	1
3122419	All you do is complain.	CK	1
1950184	It's no use complaining.	CK	1
2236948	Tom isn't complaining.	CK	1
2239883	Tom wasn't complaining.	CK	1
2406344	I should make a complaint.	CK	1