English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 632

1495872	Tom knows my number.	CK	1
2320331	I lost your number.	Hybrid	1
2387837	I need your number.	CK	1
2647700	Give them my number.	CK	1
2666471	What's your room number?	CK	1
1023858	Tom's days are numbered.	CK	1
2645667	What are those numbers?	CK	1
531585	She became a nurse.	wma	1
1099098	I need some nutmeg.	mookeee	1
2546353	Tom tightened the nuts.	CK	1
2884545	Are you people nuts?	CK	1
2273189	Tom is going nuts.	CK	1
2272900	Tom is acting nuts.	CK	1
2273140	Tom is former NYPD.	CK	1
2247202	You are under oath.	CK	1
2203118	I'm obedient.	CK	1
2203115	We're obedient.	CK	1
2203116	You're obedient.	CK	1
2237583	Tom promptly obeyed.	CK	1
2261155	Tom didn't object.	CK	1
2234118	What's the objection?	CK	1
2249479	Just stay objective.	CK	1
3172352	Are you objective?	CK	1
2203120	Tom is objective.	CK	1
2203122	Tom is obnoxious.	CK	1
3172351	Are you observant?	CK	1
2203127	Tom is observant.	CK	1
2236793	Tom is observing.	CK	1
2236794	Tom is obsessive.	CK	1
2203129	Tom is obstinate.	CK	1
313230	She is obstinate.	CK	1
2251219	That's quite obvious.	CK	1
2249268	It's so obvious.	CK	1
2250964	That was obvious.	CK	1
2248792	It seems obvious.	CK	1
2234119	What's the occasion?	CK	1
2236795	Tom is occupied.	CK	1
440015	When did this occur?	FeuDRenais	1
2276221	I don't think it's odd.	CK	1
3286810	They saw something odd.	CK	1
2288490	Didn't that seem odd?	CK	1
41955	What are they made of?	CK	1
33425	The button came off.	CK	1
47281	The game was called off.	CK	1
265932	You'd better back off.	CK	1
323805	The alarm went off.	CK	1
533867	I took a week off.	blay_paul	1
1141103	Tom took his tie off.	CK	1
1141109	Tom took a day off.	CK	1
1344893	I took my shoes off.	CK	1