English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 569

2547068	That's fair, isn't it?	CK	1
2547272	I'll help you with it.	CK	1
2547308	I'd say you earned it.	CK	1
2547415	Great show, wasn't it?	CK	1
2547776	I'm finished with it.	CK	1
2547793	I'm afraid that's it.	CK	1
2547827	I'll have to wing it.	CK	1
2547840	I'll get right to it.	CK	1
2547844	I'll flip you for it.	CK	1
2547888	I won't stand for it.	CK	1
2547988	You'd be good at it.	CK	1
2548034	We know you have it.	CK	1
2548163	That's it, isn't it?	CK	1
2548177	It's true, isn't it?	CK	1
2548178	It's real, isn't it?	CK	1
2548180	It's nice, isn't it?	CK	1
2548181	It's hard, isn't it?	CK	1
2548182	It's good, isn't it?	CK	1
2548183	It's cool, isn't it?	CK	1
2548221	I'm not proud of it.	CK	1
2548266	I'm dealing with it.	CK	1
2548306	I'll make Tom do it.	CK	1
2548367	I wouldn't sweat it.	CK	1
2548638	They know about it.	CK	1
2548689	I'm not used to it.	CK	1
2548692	I'm not signing it.	CK	1
2548764	I'll never make it.	CK	1
2548787	I'll get rid of it.	CK	1
2548811	I'd think about it.	CK	1
2548822	I wouldn't miss it.	CK	1
2548993	Tom is good at it.	CK	1
2549075	I'm getting to it.	CK	1
2549096	I'll say I did it.	CK	1
2549126	I'd say go for it.	CK	1
2549127	I'd never take it.	CK	1
2549153	I took care of it.	CK	1
2549235	Tom never saw it.	CK	1
2549283	Scary, wasn't it?	CK	1
2549285	Pretty, isn't it?	CK	1
2549351	I'll get over it.	CK	1
2549362	I wouldn't do it.	CK	1
2549368	I was sure of it.	CK	1
2549490	Silly, isn't it?	CK	1
2549491	Scary, isn't it?	CK	1
2549505	I'm not over it.	CK	1
2549517	I'm aware of it.	CK	1
2549570	Funny, isn't it?	CK	1
2646091	Could you have done it?	CK	1
2646132	You said you liked it.	CK	1
2646444	Tom couldn't stand it.	CK	1