English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 504

2248824	It was exciting.	CK	1
2233676	This is exciting.	CK	1
238680	It's so exciting.	CK	1
2250941	That was exciting.	CK	1
3091245	Tom felt excluded.	CK	1
36027	I have no excuse.	CK	1
41462	That's just an excuse.	Swift	1
2007626	Let's hear your excuse.	CK	1
2647668	Is that your excuse?	CK	1
2648366	Tom has no excuse.	CK	1
2358984	I have an excuse.	CK	1
264977	Can I be excused?	CK	1
31346	May I be excused?	CK	1
1286934	You should exercise.	CK	1
2203665	Tom exercises.	CK	1
2203666	I'm exercising.	CK	1
2203667	We're exercising.	CK	1
2203668	You're exercising.	CK	1
2243225	They look exhausted.	CK	1
2202816	Tom is exhausted.	CK	1
2239784	Tom was exhausted.	CK	1
1868049	Tom looks exhausted.	CK	1
1867891	Tom sounds exhausted.	CK	1
1164414	Tom missed the exit.	CK	1
1438108	We missed the exit.	CK	1
2273921	What do you expect?	CK	1
2646757	What did they expect?	CK	1
2647775	Who did you expect?	CK	1
2744305	What does Tom expect?	CK	1
2892496	What can we expect?	CK	1
3364605	What did Tom expect?	CK	1
2251335	That's what's expected.	CK	1
2248825	It was expected.	CK	1
2646415	Tom has been expelled.	CK	1
2250124	That looks expensive.	CK	1
2547049	They're not expensive.	CK	1
276955	It's too expensive.	CK	1
42448	That's too expensive.	CK	1
2202820	I'm experienced.	CK	1
2107344	We're experienced.	CK	1
2202818	You're experienced.	CK	1
2548690	I'm not the expert.	CK	1
2272950	Tom is an expert.	CK	1
2273546	Tom is the expert.	CK	1
2262013	I'll let Tom explain.	CK	1
2647133	It's hard to explain.	CK	1
2892705	What's there to explain?	CK	1
3365636	I want to explain.	CK	1
2249383	It's worth exploring.	CK	1
2245909	I heard explosions.	CK	1