English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 436

278875	The weather stayed bad.	CK	1
278833	The weather turned bad.	CK	1
57549	This meat has gone bad.	CK	1
2278264	They don't seem that bad.	CK	1
2276015	I don't have a badge.	CK	1
3327513	Can I see your badge?	CK	1
2011521	Tom wants you badly.	CK	1
2648636	We need it badly.	CK	1
2956121	Tom behaved badly.	CK	1
2249083	It's going badly.	CK	1
296355	He behaved badly.	CK	1
266806	I'm bleeding badly.	CK	1
35157	Please show me your bag.	CK	1
250379	I can't find my bag.	CK	1
689932	Someone stole my bag.	ulyssemc1	1
1026781	Tom can't find his bag.	CK	1
1092172	Tom zipped up his bag.	CK	1
1852270	Let me grab my bag.	CK	1
2548564	Tom opened the bag.	CK	1
2647889	Tom opened his bag.	CK	1
2326556	I forgot my bag.	CK	1
55621	This isn't my bag.	CK	1
258791	I bought a new bag.	CK	1
35158	Please open your bag.	CK	1
1860474	Don't forget your bag.	CK	1
388018	The man robbed her bag.	CK	1
23668	Could I check my bags?	CK	1
3327512	Can I take your bags?	CK	1
2272745	Tom has never bailed.	CK	1
2547565	Tom lost his balance.	CK	1
2821641	Tom kept his balance.	CK	1
2547606	Tom fumbled the ball.	CK	1
2548868	How was the ballet?	CK	1
1867718	Tom went ballistic.	CK	1
2548978	Tom loved bananas.	CK	1
25513	I play in a band.	CK	1
250606	My school has a band.	CK	1
2647718	Did you have a band?	CK	1
2648152	Do you have a band?	CK	1
18415	I've been to the bank.	CK	1
256978	I worked for a bank.	CK	1
858894	He works in a bank.	piksea	1
1787439	She works at the bank.	Bah_Dure	1
2646650	Are you from the bank?	CK	1
256979	I work for a bank.	CK	1
3154910	I went to the bank.	learnaspossible	1
416365	He works at a bank.	phrasemix	1
313334	She works in a bank.	CK	1
18452	He works for a bank.	CK	1
413852	He works at the bank.	kanameyu	1