English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 409

306120	They are wrestlers.	CK	1
2255369	You'll get wrinkles.	CK	1
2255442	You've got wrinkles.	CK	1
2722453	Tom sprained his wrist.	Hybrid	1
1092906	Tom slit his wrists.	CK	1
2645764	Tom slashed his wrists.	CK	1
2877234	What did Tom write?	CK	1
2240795	We're both writers.	CK	1
2237110	Tom kept writing.	CK	1
2238798	Tom stopped writing.	CK	1
2234151	What's Tom writing?	CK	1
46988	The clock is wrong.	CK	1
70516	Your guess is wrong.	CK	1
256737	I might be wrong.	CK	1
869421	I could be wrong.	alexmarcelo	1
1026634	Tom could be wrong.	CK	1
1228333	I think that's wrong.	CK	1
1324336	I know it's wrong.	Scott	1
1454321	I think you're wrong.	CK	1
1740523	I may be wrong.	Spamster	1
1887515	I know what's wrong.	CK	1
2006524	I hope you're wrong.	Spamster	1
2006528	I hope I'm wrong.	Spamster	1
2249994	Something went wrong.	CK	1
2252671	There's nothing wrong.	CK	1
2252738	They're always wrong.	CK	1
2255303	You weren't wrong.	CK	1
2405235	Tom might be wrong.	CK	1
2405905	I said that wrong.	CK	1
2546511	I'm sure they're wrong.	CK	1
2547106	I'm sure you're wrong.	CK	1
2547112	I'm sure that's wrong.	CK	1
2547963	You've got it wrong.	CK	1
2548920	What can go wrong?	CK	1
2645837	Tom knows what's wrong.	CK	1
2646769	Well, you were wrong.	CK	1
2647602	That answer's wrong.	CK	1
2647757	You could be wrong.	CK	1
2648156	Could Tom be wrong?	CK	1
2648318	Tom must be wrong.	CK	1
2648713	Tom got it wrong.	CK	1
2713640	It's me that's wrong.	CK	1
2713655	You're always wrong.	CK	1
2713702	You guys are wrong.	CK	1
2891983	That would be wrong.	CK	1
2892191	This is all wrong.	CK	1
2954583	You might be wrong.	CK	1
3199832	Tell me I'm wrong.	CK	1
3286794	Nothing was wrong.	CK	1
3309941	We've all been wrong.	CK	1