English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 389

1525642	He drives a truck.	CK	1
2647309	What's in the truck?	CK	1
41566	That can't be true.	CK	1
305302	Their dreams came true.	CK	1
1141136	Tom thinks that's true.	CK	1
1276143	My dream came true.	CK	1
1474786	Tom's dreams came true.	Spamster	1
1897758	That might be true.	CK	1
2330087	I guess that's true.	CK	1
2376080	I know it's true.	CK	1
2547673	I'm sure that's true.	CK	1
2646367	Tom knows that's true.	CK	1
2647479	Tom knows it's true.	CK	1
2648852	Could it be true?	CK	1
2648855	Can this be true?	CK	1
3168581	That's just not true.	CK	1
3199831	Tell me it's true.	CK	1
2248752	It isn't true.	CK	1
1158525	Isn't it true?	Guybrush88	1
2248937	It wasn't true.	CK	1
42096	It may be true.	CK	1
2250120	That isn't true.	CK	1
2360876	I hope it's true.	CK	1
2251326	That's very true.	CK	1
370573	This is not true.	saeb	1
42088	It can't be true.	CK	1
1839491	I guess it's true.	CK	1
42091	I think it's true.	CK	1
2305027	It's sad, but true.	Hybrid	1
287574	His dream came true.	CK	1
67318	Perhaps that's true.	CK	1
1365196	He popped the trunk.	CK	1
2548551	Tom shut the trunk.	CK	1
2887054	Tom closed the trunk.	CK	1
2203473	I'm trustworthy.	CK	1
2203470	We're trustworthy.	CK	1
2203471	You're trustworthy.	CK	1
258845	I know the truth.	CK	1
2549383	I want the truth.	CK	1
2549387	I told the truth.	CK	1
2647445	Tom needs the truth.	CK	1
2647609	Tell them the truth.	CK	1
2648041	Tell Tom the truth.	CK	1
2648504	Is that the truth?	CK	1
3172774	It was the truth.	CK	1
3172775	Tom told the truth.	CK	1
3172776	Just tell the truth.	CK	1
3172817	We'll find the truth.	CK	1
2387546	I need the truth.	CK	1
2315167	This is the truth.	CK	1