English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 363

2215703	Tom will love that.	CK	1
2215685	Tom will hate that.	CK	1
2009001	Don't tell me that.	CK	1
1890893	I'll drink to that.	CK	1
65892	You'll regret that!	CK	1
51053	I'll tell him that.	CK	1
2234074	What's causing that?	CK	1
1886544	Whose phone is that?	CK	1
921999	Please correct that.	Artfanster	1
41939	Isn't that theirs?	CK	1
397331	That book is theirs.	sysko	1
67007	Those books are theirs.	CK	1
69340	Do you know them?	Ulquiorra	1
307716	Will you help them?	CK	1
1767290	I can't blame them.	Spamster	1
1777465	I must warn them.	Spamster	1
1875983	I don't blame them.	Spamster	1
1893872	We don't need them.	CK	1
1895794	You can't help them.	CK	1
2235978	Tom approached them.	CK	1
2238813	Tom threatened them.	CK	1
2238833	Tom trusted them.	CK	1
2241564	We'll contact them.	CK	1
2241567	We'll convince them.	CK	1
2241696	We've outrun them.	CK	1
2251030	That'll show them.	CK	1
2251031	That'll stop them.	CK	1
2271840	I don't fear them.	CK	1
2271895	I don't need them.	CK	1
2271979	I won't need them.	CK	1
2273838	We can't blame them.	CK	1
2274001	You don't know them.	CK	1
2406647	I still have them.	CK	1
2549347	I'll go get them.	CK	1
2647553	Tom can't find them.	CK	1
2648271	Was Tom with them?	CK	1
2648848	Do you have them?	CK	1
2648978	Show it to them.	CK	1
2802945	I trusted them.	Haydar	1
2847764	I don't like them.	AlanF_US	1
2852128	Let go of them.	CK	1
2892062	That's one of them.	CK	1
2901252	Tom can get them.	raggione	1
3150831	Did you buy them?	CK	1
3312765	We can catch them.	CK	1
3312767	We both saw them.	CK	1
3312768	We can beat them.	CK	1
3312769	We can take them.	CK	1
3312770	We may need them.	CK	1
3327414	Can you trust them?	CK	1