English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 336

1852273	Give me your shirt.	CK	1
1407997	Tom is shirtless.	Spamster	1
2548674	I'm still in shock.	CK	1
2273239	Tom is in shock.	CK	1
310930	She died of shock.	CK	1
2376694	I know you're shocked.	CK	1
1898389	Everyone's shocked.	CK	1
2253728	This is shocking.	CK	1
18096	Take off your shoes.	CK	1
313350	She laced her shoes.	CK	1
1325246	I chose these shoes.	Scott	1
2377636	I like your shoes.	CK	1
2547251	I'll shine your shoes.	CK	1
2548434	Are those new shoes?	CK	1
2646658	Are these Tom's shoes?	CK	1
2647643	Look at Tom's shoes.	CK	1
2647875	Tom tied his shoes.	CK	1
2647997	Those are my shoes.	CK	1
2665502	I need those shoes.	Hybrid	1
3264681	Tom needs new shoes.	CK	1
2494012	I need new shoes.	Hybrid	1
949147	I found my shoes.	boracasli	1
1911918	Bring me my shoes.	CK	1
296126	He wore old shoes.	CK	1
18093	Put on your shoes.	CK	1
54094	Slip on your shoes.	CK	1
289717	He shined his shoes.	CK	1
246314	Stop, or I'll shoot.	CK	1
1860598	Stop or I'll shoot.	CK	1
2236222	Tom didn't shoot.	CK	1
2241123	We heard shooting.	CK	1
2111538	Someone's shooting.	CK	1
2892814	Where does Tom shop?	CK	1
2184076	I hate shopping.	Hybrid	1
2240212	Tom went shopping.	CK	1
2241589	We'll go shopping.	CK	1
2821668	Tom hates shopping.	CK	1
2236847	Tom is shopping.	CK	1
2241477	We went shopping.	CK	1
1890910	I'll go shopping.	CK	1
2007826	Let's go shopping.	CK	1
316154	She went shopping.	CK	1
564721	They'll go shopping.	CK	1
2007658	Let's make this short.	CK	1
2713771	It's very short.	CK	1
2355816	I'm very short.	CK	1
436445	I am too short.	lukaszpp	1
55511	This is too short.	CK	1
2243497	They were shorthanded.	CK	1
2273240	Tom is in shorts.	CK	1