English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 270

2548339	I'll check the list.	CK	1
2548441	You're on the list.	CK	1
2646862	Tom skimmed the list.	CK	1
2862186	Tom made a list.	Amastan	1
3110455	We'll make a list.	CK	1
2380387	I made a list.	CK	1
2360393	I have the list.	CK	1
2359594	I've got a list.	CK	1
1891097	I'm on the list.	CK	1
2243103	They don't listen.	CK	1
2243526	They won't listen.	CK	1
2247575	I will listen.	CK	1
2249797	Please just listen.	CK	1
2255004	You just listen.	CK	1
2255310	You will listen.	CK	1
2255160	You must listen.	CK	1
2215699	Tom will listen.	CK	1
2007879	Let's go listen.	CK	1
2254983	You don't listen.	CK	1
1867702	Tom won't listen.	CK	1
2007817	Let's just listen.	CK	1
2243026	They all listened.	CK	1
2237067	Tom just listened.	CK	1
911230	Keep listening.	papabear	1
1891022	I'm listening.	CK	1
2107561	Tom's listening.	CK	1
1893640	We're listening.	CK	1
2111262	They're listening.	CK	1
2218449	You're too little.	CK	1
2647289	Where does Tom live?	CK	1
2647785	Where did you live?	CK	1
2647787	Where did Tom live?	CK	1
261906	I want to live.	CK	1
2011383	Tom wants to live.	CK	1
370708	Where do you live?	saeb	1
687608	Where do they live?	lukaszpp	1
2236760	Tom is lively.	CK	1
2262274	That's where Tom lives.	CK	1
2236761	Tom is livid.	CK	1
1595186	Tom was livid.	Spamster	1
2203058	Tom is loaded.	CK	1
2240820	We're all loaded.	CK	1
32294	I'd like meat loaf.	CM	1
2549345	I'll need a loan.	CK	1
2549727	I need a loan.	CK	1
2648999	It's not a loan.	CK	1
2237171	Tom likes lobster.	CK	1
2244617	Is Tom local?	CK	1
1164324	Tom picked the lock.	CK	1
59367	This door won't lock.	CK	1