English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 2590

1168219	We were unsure what kind of person Tom would be and whether he would like to live in the same house as us.	CK	1
1028138	Tom remembers telling Mary the story about how he had escaped from being eaten by cannibals.	CK	1
1094170	Tom eventually figured out how to install a free database application on his computer.	CK	1
909513	Before I get out of bed, I spend a little time thinking about what I'll be doing the rest of the day.	CK	1
1027406	It may seem like Tom has forgotten all about the matter, but deep down inside, he's still torn up about it.	CK	1
1196939	If Tom would learn to be a little more positive about things, people would probably like him a bit more.	CK	1
1092801	Tom thinks there's a good possibility that Mary will agree to babysit the children on Friday night.	CK	1
953523	I looked in my closet for something to wear, but couldn't find anything appropriate for the occasion.	CK	1
1029748	Tom asked Mary a few questions that she couldn't answer, but she was able to answer most of his questions.	CK	1
1030043	Mary waited years for Tom to get out of prison and was very happy when he finally got released.	CK	1
1095228	Tom connected the TV to the antenna that the previous owner of his house had mounted on the roof.	CK	1
1946942	Tom wondered why many people in America think that baseball is more interesting to watch than soccer.	CK	1
1684	If you don't want to put on sunscreen, that's your problem. Just don't come complaining to me when you get a sunburn.	Nero	1
2585802	I had an appointment at 2:30, but I got caught in traffic and couldn't get there in time.	CK	1
2412522	I know it's kind of late, but would you mind if I came over now? I have something I need to discuss with you.	CK	1
2334926	Tom prefers to take a shower in the morning while Mary prefers to take a bath just before going to bed.	CK	1
2753499	Tom picked Mary up the same way a man carries his new bride across the threshold and gave her a kiss on the cheek.	CK	1
2952955	If Tom had been able to speak French better, he would've been able to tell everybody how he really felt.	CK	1
476180	To make up for his unpleasant experiences in the hospital, Tom drank a little more than he should have.	CK	1
1092710	Tom told Mary that he didn't think it was a good idea for her to go jogging in the park by herself.	CK	1
1044899	Tom thought it was a good idea to take advantage of the opportunity that Mary had given him.	CK	1
1264702	Tom's constant arguing irritates some of his classmates. However, most of the class has just learned to ignore him.	CK	1
1165800	If you'd told me about it earlier, I could've been free. However, tomorrow I have plans to go back home.	CK	1
1994371	Tom told me that he often drinks root beer, but he'd not only never drunk spruce beer, he'd never even heard of it.	CK	1
2042931	My mother always told me I would be able do anything I wanted to do if I put my mind to it.	CK	1
1094735	Tom didn't know how to translate the word "computer" because the people he was talking to had never seen one.	CK	1
1211994	Tom likes Mary, but Mary likes John. To make matters even more interesting, John likes Alice, but Alice likes Tom.	CK	1
2464831	If you'd listen a little more carefully to what the teacher says, you'd probably be able to understand.	CK	1
953138	As soon as I can get my son to scan our family photos, I'll upload some of them to our website.	CK	1
1040503	Tom wondered if Mary would think that eight in the morning was too early for him to open a bottle of wine.	CK	1
886920	She advised him to take a long holiday, so he immediately quit work and took a trip around the world.	CK	1
1388220	Tom and Mary went on a cruise near Italy for their honeymoon, but the ship sank and Tom was drowned in his cabin.	Spamster	1
1988453	Tom doesn't like to use the term "a person of color" because he thinks it implies that white people have no color.	CK	1
1094861	Tom did everything within his power to keep Mary from being elected president of the student council.	CK	1
1075523	I came here to see if there was something I could do to help, but there doesn't seem to be anything for me to do.	CK	1
897924	We're going to make sure that no one is taking advantage of the American people for their own short-term gain.	CK	1
953491	I heard that one way to stay healthy is to avoid eating any food with unpronounceable ingredients.	CK	1
953512	I know that it is highly unlikely that you'd ever want to go out with me, but I still need to ask at least once.	CK	1
909549	Last year, I spent so much time by myself that I almost forgot how to communicate effectively with others.	CK	1
1103176	Tom put a Band-Aid over his small tattoo of a spider so he would be allowed into a Japanese hot spring.	CK	1
2425985	Tom hadn't washed clothes in a long time, so he searched through his dirty clothes to see if there was something clean enough to wear.	CK	1
1024662	Tom isn't your average guy. He doesn't like things most guys like and he doesn't like to do things most men enjoy doing.	CK	1
953438	I don't think it's necessary for me to sound like a native speaker, I just want to be able to speak fluently.	CK	1
1096163	It took Tom every ounce of courage he had to admit to Mary that he had once been part of a terrorist group.	CK	1
1261802	Tom told Mary that he thought a hippopotamus could run at a speed of about 30 kilometers per hour.	CK	1
953581	I realize I may not be the most desirable man in the world, but I still hope you'll consider going out with me.	CK	1
1318570	Tom didn't know the meaning of "anglophobia," so he did a quick web search to see if he could find out what it meant.	CK	1
1543600	Tom told me that Mary was good at playing the piano, but I didn't really believe him until I heard her play.	CK	1
1386933	Tom was sad when he discovered that Mary was a gold digger and Mary was sad when she discovered that Tom was poor.	Spamster	1
1871869	Tom said he wasn't interested in Mary, but he seemed to always be looking towards the side of the room where she was.	CK	1