English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 2450

1871849	I'm not interested in anything Tom has to say.	CK	1
2031569	Tom didn't want to hear anything I had to say.	CK	1
2032017	I want you to understand what I'm trying to say.	CK	1
2291844	I always listen to anything Tom has to say.	CK	1
2330029	I guess I don't understand what you're trying to say.	CK	1
2376545	I know you don't want to hear what I'm about to say.	CK	1
71443	What you have just said reminds me of an old saying.	CK	1
308270	It took a long time to take in what she was saying.	CM	1
1028245	Tom only got the gist of what Mary was saying.	CK	1
2034064	I want to make sure I understand what you're saying.	CK	1
308961	She always writes down every word her teacher says.	CK	1
402486	Don't pay any attention to what your father says.	CK	1
1028101	Tom says that he can't believe anything Mary says.	CK	1
1868390	Tom didn't have anything to do with the scandal.	CK	1
30832	If I were you, I would apply for the scholarship.	CK	1
21631	I was caught in a shower on my way home from school.	darinmex	1
59936	Let me tell you about the origin of this school.	CK	1
1094934	Tom decided to send Mary to a private school.	CK	1
1874276	Tom realized there were no cars parked in front of the school.	CK	1
1884519	Tom doesn't even know why he was expelled from school.	CK	1
1886986	Tom bragged about how well his son is doing at school.	CK	1
1886988	Tom bragged about how well his son was doing at school.	CK	1
2308307	I couldn't understand why Tom wanted to quit school.	CK	1
2412315	Tom and Mary were still sleeping when John left for school.	CK	1
2451094	I wish I had had the chance to learn French in high school.	CK	1
2491010	I got up at six, ate breakfast and then went to school.	CK	1
2537271	I wouldn't be surprised if Tom got kicked out of school.	CK	1
2951497	Although Tom is sick, he's planning on going to school.	CK	1
2926435	Tom became anorexic when he was in high school.	WestofEden	1
906974	What's your favorite thing about the Christmas season?	CK	1
2034001	I want to get there early so we can get good seats.	CK	1
2208775	Would you mind if I speak to Tom alone for a sec?	CK	1
1961357	I thought it was a mistake to tell Tom the secret.	CK	1
2512866	Tom dictated a letter to his secretary.	sharptoothed	1
18814	Could we have a table in the non-smoking section?	CK	1
2033881	What was in the report Tom didn't want me to see?	CK	1
2034074	There is something else over here I want you to see.	CK	1
2042684	Is there something in your room you don't want me to see?	CK	1
1095058	Tom couldn't sneak out of the dorm without being seen.	CK	1
1525266	I think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.	CK	1
2276779	Tom is one of the most handsome guys I've ever seen.	CK	1
2276781	Tom is one of the most handsome men I've ever seen.	CK	1
1247361	Tom thought that what Mary wrote didn't make any sense.	CK	1
1094905	Tom definitely should have gotten the death sentence.	CK	1
1977263	I need to understand the meaning of this sentence.	CK	1
2045861	I thought it was a beautiful funeral service.	CK	1
1093875	Tom had a little trouble adjusting the settings.	CK	1
2044972	Tom wasn't completely happy with the settlement.	CK	1
1029696	Tom asked Mary not to wake him up before seven.	CK	1
682015	For Tom, getting fired was an unexpected shock.	Source_VOA	1