English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 2311

2210597	Why don't you come over around six or so?	CK	1
3109445	We will make every effort to do so.	CK	1
3287403	If you need me to do something, just say so.	CK	1
1095561	Tom can't remember where he bought his pink socks.	CK	1
2026860	Are you sure you don't want another soda?	CK	1
703152	We'll have to celebrate the winter solstice.	papabear	1
2030050	I'd like some coffee if you are making some.	CK	1
953424	I don't know when, but it'll happen someday.	CK	1
1140147	I think I'd like to visit Boston someday.	CK	1
256633	I never go out without buying something.	CK	1
1093056	Tom said he thought he had forgotten something.	CK	1
1868475	Tom and Mary are fighting. Please do something.	CK	1
1895771	You don't have to tell Tom twice to do something.	CK	1
2009294	How do you know Tom wasn't hiding something?	CK	1
2026595	I wanted to talk to Tom about something.	CK	1
2026596	I wanted to talk to you about something.	CK	1
2030085	Wait a minute. I want to tell you something.	CK	1
3287356	I was sort of in the middle of something.	CK	1
3287373	Tom is always complaining about something.	CK	1
3287394	It seems that Tom is upset about something.	CK	1
2030008	Do you want to have dinner with me sometime?	CK	1
3165939	Why don't you come over to my place sometime?	Hybrid	1
2301241	I can hear a saxophone playing somewhere.	CK	1
2407767	I think I have a picture of Tom somewhere.	CK	1
1092454	Tom wants to see if Mary likes his new song.	CK	1
3330177	I don't get a lot of requests for that song.	CK	1
1024883	Tom is really good at memorizing songs.	CK	1
2329654	I got Tom to sing us a couple of songs.	CK	1
1025156	Tom is a really good singer-songwriter.	CK	1
1095961	Tom and Mary have one daughter and two sons.	CK	1
18026	I didn't expect you to get here so soon.	CK	1
31609	I am looking forward to seeing you soon.	CK	1
52056	It looks like it is going to clear up soon.	CM	1
52253	I would appreciate hearing from you soon.	CK	1
1024696	Tom isn't here yet, but we expect him soon.	CK	1
1063432	Come and visit us in Paris sometime soon.	CK	1
1167516	Tom is expecting someone else to come soon.	CK	1
1256916	I've got a feeling that Tom will show up soon.	CK	1
2539070	Tom will be relocating to Boston soon.	CK	1
2641736	I'm probably going to be busy soon.	CK	1
2026528	All I want is a chance to say I'm sorry.	CK	1
2661140	The washing machine is making a strange sound.	CK	1
2293187	I assume it's not as easy as it sounds.	CK	1
325784	A good cook doesn't throw out yesterday's soup.	CK	1
1075742	For a moment, Tom was too surprised to speak.	CK	1
2329626	I got so mad I wasn't able to speak.	CK	1
1095436	Tom certainly is an eloquent speaker.	CK	1
953474	I have many friends who are native speakers.	CK	1
887231	She interrupted him while he was speaking.	CK	1
2028382	I want to show you something very special.	CK	1