English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 2253

2030057	I'm meeting Tom for dinner. Do want to come?	CK	1
2031970	Is there some reason you don't want us to come?	CK	1
2293281	I assumed you and Tom were planning to come.	CK	1
2387659	I need to know if you are planning to come.	CK	1
2538247	I wouldn't be surprised if Tom didn't come.	CK	1
21335	I don't think any more students want to come.	CK	1
304551	He stays a long time every time he comes.	Nero	1
2210625	Why don't you folks make yourselves comfortable?	CK	1
17701	I had no idea that you were coming.	Swift	1
19599	Urgent business prevented him from coming.	CK	1
2030052	I'd like to thank all our guests for coming.	CK	1
2199819	I didn't let Tom know that I was coming.	CK	1
2291206	I didn't think anybody was coming.	CK	1
388346	If you find a mistake, please leave a comment.	CK	1
1030049	Mary thinks Tom is afraid of commitment.	CK	1
248989	We have absolutely nothing in common.	CK	1
1961707	I thought you two would have a lot in common.	CK	1
239743	Language is a means of communication.	CM	1
312941	She is determined to leave the company.	CK	1
1085010	She's made up her mind to quit the company.	CK	1
2314950	I didn't know we were having company.	CK	1
2361048	I just came along to keep Tom company.	CK	1
3371229	I don't know why Tom is always complaining.	CK	1
1096122	No matter what I do, Tom always complains.	CK	1
2488814	If it annoys you so much, file a complaint.	sharptoothed	1
2030020	I don't want to hear any of your complaints.	CK	1
1093703	Tom has an inferiority complex.	CK	1
934423	Tom's explanation was too complicated.	LittleBoy	1
1027540	I like the kind of music Tom composes.	CK	1
1092964	Tom seems to be unwilling to compromise.	CK	1
253844	I can't do my job without a computer.	CK	1
1026523	Tom decided to buy a new computer.	CK	1
1096255	Do you know where Tom bought his new computer?	CK	1
2293249	I assume you're familiar with this concept.	CK	1
707154	Do you want to come with me to this concert?	papabear	1
887426	She talked him into going to the concert.	CK	1
1029043	Tom doesn't plan to go to Mary's concert.	CK	1
1513352	Tom could not afford to go to the concert.	Spamster	1
1093569	Tom hasn't missed any of Mary's concerts.	CK	1
2439040	I don't want to work under these conditions.	CK	1
283296	Did you know he bought a condominium?	Nero	1
2358998	I have an investigation to conduct.	CK	1
2508374	I'm going to Boston for a conference.	CK	1
1094171	Tom eventually broke down and confessed.	CK	1
2414008	Tom and Mary both look a little confused.	CK	1
2287006	I'm prepared to accept the consequences.	CK	1
2287015	There's no way to foresee the consequences.	CK	1
2026558	I have something I want you to consider.	CK	1
2019169	I'd like to hire you as a consultant.	CK	1
2407724	I think everything here is under control.	CK	1