English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 224

2649194	Tom had a gun.	CK	1
2891803	Pick up the gun.	CK	1
3023392	Tom raised his gun.	CK	1
3151492	Give me that gun.	CK	1
3151546	Give me a gun.	CK	1
3171196	Tom shot a gun.	CK	1
2358734	I have a gun.	CK	1
2359584	I've got a gun.	CK	1
314940	She shot a gun.	CK	1
1886572	Who has the gun?	CK	1
1543656	Give me the gun.	CK	1
2869326	Give Tom the gun.	CK	1
2548479	Where are the guns?	CK	1
3008204	I'll get the guns.	CK	1
2334155	I hate Tom's guts.	CK	1
2647513	Tom hates your guts.	CK	1
2334161	I hate your guts.	CK	1
1341215	He's a weird guy.	CK	1
2548446	You're a great guy.	CK	1
2548891	You're a good guy.	CK	1
2549198	Who was that guy?	CK	1
3264670	Who's the new guy?	CK	1
3315164	Where's the big guy?	CK	1
2334112	I hate that guy.	CK	1
1913104	What a smart guy!	CK	1
1341220	He's a strange guy.	CK	1
2451	Who are those guys?	CK	1
2548768	I'll miss you guys.	CK	1
2549557	I miss you guys.	CK	1
2647276	Who were those guys?	CK	1
2647778	Who are these guys?	CK	1
2647789	Where are you guys?	CK	1
2648079	Knock it off, guys.	CK	1
2648080	Keep it down, guys.	CK	1
2648136	Have fun, you guys.	CK	1
2648459	Shame on you guys.	CK	1
2648614	Who are you guys?	CK	1
2648822	How are you guys?	CK	1
2185383	Hurry up, guys.	Hybrid	1
2380233	I love you guys.	CK	1
2549642	I'm at the gym.	CK	1
2262216	It's what Tom had.	CK	1
282705	Just brush your hair.	CK	1
705440	He has long hair.	papabear	1
1025311	Tom has short hair.	CK	1
1025402	Tom has brown hair.	CK	1
1095246	Tom combed his hair.	CK	1
1141227	Tom brushed his hair.	CK	1
1557063	Tom dyed his hair.	Spamster	1
1887538	I like your hair.	CK	1