English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 2165

308138	I don't know if she will go there with me.	CK	1
308313	I don't know if she wants to go with me.	CK	1
314105	She didn't appear to recognize me.	CK	1
325542	Do you want to go on a trip with me?	CM	1
325645	Both of my parents are not strict with me.	CK	1
326608	Please let go of my arm. You're hurting me.	CM	1
433772	The least you could do is to answer me.	CK	1
453044	I lost the watch that my father gave me.	FeuDRenais	1
680265	I can't get anyone to assist me.	Source_VOA	1
696956	Why did you side with him instead of me?	darinmex	1
765945	He plays the piano better than me.	Dunbab	1
953403	I can't tell you how much this means to me.	CK	1
1027462	I wish Tom wouldn't keep hassling me.	CK	1
1027463	I wish Tom wouldn't keep bothering me.	CK	1
1069557	I don't have a lot of money on me.	CK	1
1127413	Please say hello to your parents for me.	CK	1
1190216	I'm very busy so don't count on me.	CK	1
1223585	I'd appreciate it if you'd help me.	CK	1
1341094	How long will one hundred dollars last me?	CK	1
1341166	Would you like to go on a trip with me?	CK	1
1462657	My younger brother is taller than me.	CK	1
1552545	I only told Tom what Mary told me.	CK	1
1680994	I doubt there's anyone following me.	erikspen	1
1860729	Find Tom and ask him what you just asked me.	CK	1
1884450	Tom should have discussed the matter with me.	CK	1
1885942	How come you didn't tell Tom about me?	CK	1
1886507	Why did you tell Tom that you don't know me?	CK	1
1887145	I can't work with you if you don't trust me.	CK	1
1887499	I know that Tom says he doesn't like me.	CK	1
1898224	The bartender didn't even card me.	CK	1
1933635	I appreciate all you've done for me.	CK	1
1950930	I can't believe you're trying to bribe me.	CK	1
1951678	I can't get Tom to even talk to me.	CK	1
2009267	I know Tom is hiding something from me.	Spamster	1
2015119	Do you seriously want to race me?	CK	1
2016744	Why would anybody want to hurt me?	CK	1
2016836	Doesn't anyone want to speak to me?	CK	1
2016867	I don't want you to worry about me.	CK	1
2018790	I just want to put it all behind me.	CK	1
2018808	I want my parents to be proud of me.	CK	1
2019109	Do you want to go to the gym with me?	CK	1
2025822	Do you want to come to Boston with me?	CK	1
2025890	I want to kill Tom before he kills me.	CK	1
2025918	Is there anything you want to tell me?	CK	1
2025948	What is it you really want to tell me?	CK	1
2025960	You probably don't want to talk to me.	CK	1
2026421	I want you to look at something for me.	CK	1
2026469	Tom, I want you to do something for me.	CK	1
2026588	I want you to give Tom something for me.	CK	1
2026605	Is there anything else you want from me?	CK	1