English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 2148

3330435	I'm not sure that was a good idea.	CK	1
1409195	It's hard to understand his ideas.	CK	1
2007355	Let's see if Tom has any ideas.	CK	1
1762636	Our teacher is a real idiot.	joyfie	1
1961485	I thought Tom was a complete idiot.	CK	1
2198700	I wish I wasn't such an idiot.	Hybrid	1
2291838	I always knew Tom was an idiot.	CK	1
3178304	You probably think I'm an idiot.	CK	1
1094820	Tom didn't do anything illegal.	CK	1
2281744	We didn't do anything illegal.	CK	1
261304	I'm very concerned about her illness.	CK	1
54392	I leave it to your imagination.	CK	1
1093714	Tom has a vivid imagination.	CK	1
2420	I'll bring you the bill immediately.	contour	1
887350	She recognized him immediately.	CK	1
1936375	I'd like to see Tom immediately.	CK	1
2015274	Tom wants to see you immediately.	CK	1
2016685	I'd like you to leave immediately.	CK	1
2387719	I need to see Tom immediately.	CK	1
2387722	I need to see you immediately.	CK	1
2406832	I suggest we leave immediately.	CK	1
2406840	I suggest you leave immediately.	CK	1
2540990	I'll take care of it immediately.	CK	1
2275895	I didn't notice the imperfection.	CK	1
953186	Do you feel giving gifts is important?	CK	1
2388057	I never did anything important.	CK	1
3131617	What happens to me isn't important.	CK	1
2539877	I told you before that's impossible.	CK	1
416368	I didn't mean to give that impression.	phrasemix	1
2958766	Tom's French is gradually improving.	CK	1
58112	This river is dangerous to swim in.	CK	1
70198	What time do you usually turn in?	CK	1
429777	Tom's at the door. Please ask him to come in.	witbrock	1
1026019	Tom doesn't like the house that he lives in.	CK	1
1093259	Tom looked at the man who had just come in.	CK	1
1872446	Tom stepped aside and let Mary walk in.	CK	1
1884492	Tom is parking the car. He'll be right in.	CK	1
3330429	I need a vase to put these flowers in.	CK	1
2408595	I think you know that's inappropriate.	CK	1
54699	I can't get by on such a small income.	CK	1
241775	I'm satisfied with my current income.	CK	1
2540340	We're sorry for any inconvenience.	CK	1
1029940	Tom and Mary are both indecisive.	CK	1
1893910	We can't protect Tom indefinitely.	CK	1
2245071	Casualties were inevitable.	CK	1
2262428	Tom accepted the inevitable.	CK	1
3153832	We weren't given much information.	CK	1
2641487	Tom could've been seriously injured.	CK	1
1028591	Tom is convinced of Mary's innocence.	CK	1
284209	No one believes that he is innocent.	CK	1