English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 2067

2210837	Why don't you just tell me what you want?	CK	1
2544973	I usually get what I want.	CK	1
2641066	We can't give everyone what they want.	CK	1
2953577	We can go somewhere else if you want.	CK	1
33461	Take as many cookies as you want.	CK	1
3286278	I'll loan you all the money you want.	CK	1
1026579	Tom couldn't get the job he wanted.	CK	1
1026581	Tom couldn't get the book he wanted.	CK	1
1028499	Tom is the guy that Mary wanted.	CK	1
1093229	Tom made it quite clear what he wanted.	CK	1
1897705	It looks like Tom got what he wanted.	CK	1
2329358	I gave Tom everything he wanted.	CK	1
2329371	I gave Tom the weapons he wanted.	CK	1
2641407	We wanted the same thing you wanted.	CK	1
954519	What do you think the audience wants?	CK	1
1951688	I can't give Tom everything he wants.	CK	1
2010978	Tom can't just do anything he wants.	Shishir	1
2207239	She doesn't know what she really wants.	CK	1
2485890	It's hard to figure out what Tom wants.	CK	1
3287423	There's something on that shelf that Tom wants.	CK	1
273268	There's a possibility of war.	CK	1
2331631	I had a son who died in the war.	CK	1
1028628	Tom ignored all of Mary's warnings.	CK	1
1026800	Tom can't describe how painful it was.	CK	1
1092240	Tom wondered how deep the river was.	CK	1
1092399	Tom was just as scared as Mary was.	CK	1
1095045	Tom couldn't tell what the problem was.	CK	1
1514518	Tom wondered what Mary's last name was.	CK	1
1514520	Tom asked Mary what her last name was.	CK	1
1514524	Tom asked John what Mary's last name was.	CK	1
1886174	Did Tom tell you what the problem was?	CK	1
1950792	I can't believe how stupid I was.	CK	1
2018760	Do you want to tell me who that was?	CK	1
2290432	I didn't recognize what it was.	CK	1
2291862	I always wondered what that noise was.	CK	1
2291863	I always wondered what that smell was.	CK	1
2314996	I didn't realize what time it was.	CK	1
2315205	I don't care how long ago it was.	CK	1
2331913	I hadn't realized how rich Tom was.	CK	1
2539610	You weren't at Woodstock like I was.	CK	1
2642143	Tom didn't know how old Mary was.	CK	1
2663057	Tom wondered what Mary's problem was.	CK	1
2953612	We don't know who the attacker was.	CK	1
2956041	Tom asked me who my French teacher was.	CK	1
3101560	Tom didn't even know where he was.	CK	1
1093617	Tom has some clothes that need to be washed.	CK	1
319424	I don't like to see food go to waste.	CK	1
264052	I asked him if he wanted a watch.	CK	1
2543197	I usually don't wear a watch.	CK	1
2665178	I feel like I'm always being watched.	WestofEden	1