English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 2034

2016705	Tom didn't want his picture taken.	CK	1
70921	Where did you get this photo taken?	CK	1
38166	Where did you have your picture taken?	CK	1
2326534	I find Tom very easy to talk.	CK	1
705433	Don't interrupt me while I'm talking.	papabear	1
1525625	I never get tired of talking.	erikspen	1
1938800	I thought Tom would never stop talking.	CK	1
2308128	I could hear Tom and Mary talking.	CK	1
3195696	Why don't we let Tom do the talking.	CK	1
903703	There is an urgent need for peace talks.	CK	1
1029055	Tom doesn't like the way Mary talks.	CK	1
1040639	Tom found out that his phone had been tapped.	CK	1
1027209	Tom aimed his pistol at the target.	CK	1
2540860	I'm thinking of getting a tattoo.	CK	1
18195	I went to the airport by taxi.	CK	1
40935	I had trouble getting a taxi.	CK	1
371890	Should we go by car or by taxi?	saeb	1
31451	Will you have another cup of tea?	CK	1
37148	Tom puts too much sugar in his tea.	CK	1
1093470	Tom is in the kitchen making tea.	CK	1
1510152	This isn't everyone's cup of tea.	CK	1
251938	My dream is to become a teacher.	CK	1
256925	I regret becoming a teacher.	CK	1
295359	He is unfit to be a teacher.	CK	1
300645	He stuck out his tongue at his teacher.	CK	1
454466	Is Mrs. Smith an English teacher?	FeuDRenais	1
700997	I don't like the substitute teacher.	Zifre	1
1028425	Tom knew that Mary was a teacher.	CK	1
1093546	Tom heard Mary was a good teacher.	CK	1
1095438	Tom certainly is a good teacher.	CK	1
1140149	I think I'd like to be a teacher.	CK	1
1300825	I'm not a doctor, but a teacher.	CK	1
1662619	Tom is imitating the teacher.	Amastan	1
1804046	Tom gave an apple to the teacher.	Spamster	1
2090859	Why would you want to be a teacher?	CK	1
2090861	Why does Tom want to be a teacher?	CK	1
2294104	I bet Tom would be a good teacher.	CK	1
2376575	I know you like being a teacher.	CK	1
2401177	Tom paid attention to his teacher.	CK	1
2451405	I want to become a French teacher.	CK	1
2540898	I'm quitting my job as a teacher.	CK	1
2592722	She wanted to become a teacher.	WestofEden	1
2740727	Tom, I bet you'd be a good teacher.	CK	1
1025139	Tom is a very able teacher.	CK	1
295706	He is an experienced teacher.	CK	1
31762	Mary wants to become a teacher.	CK	1
3050944	My mother is a high school teacher.	CK	1
2641536	I'm lucky to have had good teachers.	CK	1
1023815	We made Tom the captain of the team.	CK	1
1024838	Tom is the captain of our team.	CK	1