English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1951

1094569	Tom does most of the work by himself.	CK	1
1095612	Tom can't blame anyone but himself.	CK	1
1830431	Tom often eats breakfast by himself.	CK	1
1893915	We can't just leave Tom here by himself.	CK	1
1929745	Tom seems to be annoyed with himself.	CK	1
2325163	I encouraged Tom to be himself.	CK	1
2376190	I know Tom can take care of himself.	CK	1
2376245	I know Tom wouldn't tell you himself.	CK	1
2408346	I think Tom might have poisoned himself.	CK	1
2408359	I think Tom really enjoyed himself.	CK	1
2642388	Tom doesn't even see it himself.	CK	1
2853074	Tom lives in a large house by himself.	CK	1
2869867	Tom raised three children all by himself.	CK	1
2969077	Tom looks like he's enjoying himself.	CK	1
1094460	Tom doesn't know how to take a hint.	CK	1
2335905	My grandmother fell and broke her hip.	CK	1
278888	I wonder if the weather will hold.	CK	1
2720219	I dropped the pencil I was holding.	WestofEden	1
248573	We camped there over the holiday.	CK	1
954552	What is your favorite holiday?	CK	1
1989713	Are you enjoying the holidays?	CK	1
24209	I'll give you a call when I get home.	CK	1
41709	It's about time I was going home.	CK	1
256495	I saw a white bird on my way home.	CK	1
303911	He practiced every day at home.	CK	1
310892	She was in a hurry to go home.	CK	1
312842	She doesn't speak Japanese at home.	CK	1
320622	My mother is not always at home.	CK	1
708138	I don't have a computer at home.	Nevado	1
823796	I met him while I was coming home.	Guybrush88	1
887050	She couldn't convince him to go home.	CK	1
954023	Isn't it about time to go home?	CK	1
1029856	Tom and Mary don't speak French at home.	CK	1
1066018	It's raining, so you should stay at home.	CK	1
1094049	Tom found a part-time job near his home.	CK	1
1140808	What time do you think Tom will get home?	CK	1
1147298	I forgot my credit card at home.	Eldad	1
1167423	He was exhausted when he got home.	CK	1
1470597	I forgot my shopping list at home.	GeeZ	1
1542360	Tom and Mary are moving back home.	Spamster	1
1830464	Tom will eat as soon as he gets home.	CK	1
1868179	Tom is not welcome in our home.	CK	1
1938897	I thought Tom had already gone home.	CK	1
1961755	I thought you were going to stay home.	CK	1
2016607	I don't want to be away from home.	CK	1
2016672	I wanted to make Tom feel at home.	CK	1
2019209	We want Tom to know he can come home.	CK	1
2028425	Tom wants to know when you're coming home.	CK	1
2291207	I didn't think anyone was home.	CK	1
2387314	I must've left my wallet at home.	CK	1