English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 193

495838	Please close the door.	CK	1
2249745	Open the doors.	CK	1
2249751	Open these doors.	CK	1
2245406	Double the dose.	CK	1
1890923	I'll pay double.	CK	1
272636	There is no doubt.	CK	1
2237236	Tom looks doubtful.	CK	1
2236661	Tom is doubtful.	CK	1
536973	I have no doubts.	blay_paul	1
2646515	They have some doubts.	CK	1
2648150	Do you have doubts?	CK	1
2331670	I had no doubts.	CK	1
2331662	I had my doubts.	CK	1
46829	The car broke down.	CK	1
54946	Please write this down.	blay_paul	1
64718	Won't you sit down?	CK	1
280160	Keep your head down.	CK	1
323574	The tree fell down.	CK	1
425430	Put your hand down.	blay_paul	1
456631	Please write it down.	lukaszpp	1
1327926	Put your hands down.	CK	1
1474795	Tom's car broke down.	Spamster	1
1682634	Put your gun down.	Spamster	1
2007693	Let's just slow down.	CK	1
2007697	Let's just calm down.	CK	1
2237741	Tom settled down.	CK	1
2240724	We're slowing down.	CK	1
2243681	They're slowing down.	CK	1
2270473	Don't let us down.	CK	1
2270522	Don't put me down.	CK	1
2272708	Tom has calmed down.	CK	1
2359915	I've let Tom down.	CK	1
2489558	Tom's house burned down.	CK	1
2548000	Would you slow down?	CK	1
2548001	Would you calm down?	CK	1
2548050	Tom won't back down.	CK	1
2548523	Tom's dog lay down.	CK	1
2548803	I'll be right down.	CK	1
2549151	I turned Tom down.	CK	1
2549538	I wrote it down.	CK	1
2647397	Tom was gunned down.	CK	1
2648059	Put your guns down.	CK	1
2648309	Tom sat back down.	CK	1
2648374	Tom got shot down.	CK	1
3155614	Put the phone down.	CK	1
3155619	Put the box down.	CK	1
3155621	Put that gun down.	CK	1
3155625	Put that box down.	CK	1
3222930	Go on, sit down.	CK	1
3222939	They both sat down.	CK	1