English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1907

2816622	I poured myself a cup of coffee.	Hybrid	1
3150856	Can I buy you a cup of coffee?	CK	1
3329748	Can I get anybody coffee?	CK	1
2315196	I don't believe in coincidence.	CK	1
2330095	I guess this is a coincidence.	CK	1
2361454	I don't think that's a coincidence.	CK	1
34720	I have recovered from my bad cold.	CK	1
56591	This medicine is good for a cold.	Eldad	1
303428	He must have gotten over his cold.	CK	1
306185	They didn't swim because it was cold.	CK	1
316850	She was absent from school with a cold.	CK	1
905792	I don't want to drink anything cold.	CK	1
1075745	I don't mind if it's a little cold.	CK	1
1095187	Tom could see Mary was getting cold.	CK	1
1177591	Tom heard that Mary had caught a cold.	CK	1
2026390	I just don't want you to catch my cold.	CK	1
2228268	Tom was afraid of catching a cold.	CK	1
2228270	Tom is afraid of catching a cold.	CK	1
2407893	I think I'm coming down with a cold.	CK	1
319743	Do you have anything for a cold?	CK	1
1337337	It's gradually getting colder.	CK	1
44767	The tower is going to collapse.	CK	1
301241	He's saving up to go to college.	CK	1
1093440	Tom is saving money for college.	CK	1
2315038	I didn't think you went to college.	CK	1
2400177	Tom hasn't changed a bit since college.	CK	1
30363	I'd like it in a brighter color.	CM	1
1362063	The leaves have begun to change color.	CK	1
3170521	White is a popular car color.	CK	1
1362065	The leaves have begun to change colors.	CK	1
284296	I am doubtful whether he will come.	CK	1
317350	It isn't likely that she will come.	CK	1
1023779	What made you think that Tom wouldn't come?	CK	1
1029018	Tom doesn't think that Mary will come.	CK	1
1029101	Tom doesn't know when Mary will come.	CK	1
1029108	Tom doesn't know when Mary can come.	CK	1
1029147	Tom doesn't know if Mary will come.	CK	1
1093786	Tom had to go back the way he'd come.	CK	1
1197017	Do you really think that Tom won't come?	CK	1
1422371	It's no use waiting for him to come.	CK	1
2016951	Tom doesn't really want me to come.	CK	1
2308201	I couldn't be sure that Tom would come.	CK	1
2359949	I've managed to persuade Tom to come.	CK	1
2376630	I know you weren't planning to come.	CK	1
2540105	I'm not even sure if Tom will come.	CK	1
2541326	I'm so glad you decided to come.	CK	1
2947247	I can't wait for tomorrow to come.	CK	1
908688	Who's your favorite comedian?	CK	1
1397759	Mary likes romantic comedies.	Spamster	1
388724	I'll stay at home the next time she comes.	CK	1