English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1901

2092552	If anyone can do it, Tom can.	CK	1
2301283	I can pass the test. I know I can.	CK	1
2451275	Tom can speak French as well as you can.	CK	1
2451284	I can't speak French as well as Tom can.	CK	1
2540571	I'll get you one as soon as I can.	CK	1
2540585	I'll be with you as soon as I can.	CK	1
2540878	I'm sure Tom is doing all he can.	CK	1
2541401	I'm doing this as fast as I can.	CK	1
2542462	I'm doing the very best I can.	CK	1
2743272	You'd better enjoy it while you can.	CK	1
2831393	I come here as often as I can.	Hybrid	1
3162102	I'll stay and help any way I can.	CK	1
3162104	I'll help you in any way I can.	CK	1
3202404	Tell Tom we're doing the best we can.	CK	1
3330622	I'll meet you there as soon as I can.	CK	1
3360368	You can do it, Tom, I know you can.	CK	1
63642	Have you ever been to Canada?	CK	1
2293283	I assumed you were Canadian.	CK	1
2323179	I don't think Tom is Canadian.	CK	1
2361902	I'm proud to be a Canadian.	CK	1
2544936	I wish I weren't Canadian.	CK	1
3122884	I wish I'd been born Canadian.	CK	1
3200509	Who told you I was Canadian?	CK	1
3200605	Tom told me he was Canadian.	CK	1
2644046	Tom and Mary are Canadians.	CK	1
2955593	Tom and I aren't Canadians.	CK	1
2641532	My favorite TV show's been canceled.	CK	1
266631	I hear my uncle died of cancer.	CK	1
906958	What's your favorite kind of candy?	CK	1
2541276	Maybe I shouldn't sell my canoe.	CK	1
2016976	We want you to be the team captain.	CK	1
2401211	Tom used to be a freighter captain.	CK	1
1867834	Tom tried to avoid being captured.	CK	1
37097	Tom is not able to drive a car.	CK	1
37285	Tom is eager to buy a new car.	CK	1
48243	The dog was run over by a car.	CK	1
65083	Did your uncle let you drive his car?	CK	1
249914	I cannot afford to buy a car.	CK	1
249932	I can't afford to buy a new car.	CK	1
258816	I am really pleased with my new car.	CK	1
258818	I'm saving up to buy a new car.	CK	1
258819	I am going to buy a new car.	CK	1
260322	I asked him where I should park my car.	CK	1
288078	He is old enough to drive a car.	CK	1
299899	He can't afford to buy a new car.	CK	1
314816	She doesn't know how to drive a car.	blay_paul	1
314818	She is learning how to drive a car.	CK	1
316219	She accused him of stealing her car.	CK	1
327396	When I woke up, I was in the car.	CM	1
386693	He is learning how to drive a car.	Mouseneb	1