English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1886

2262758	Tom and Mary are just arriving.	CK	1
1877580	Tom was shot with a poisoned arrow.	CK	1
681668	Tom organized his CDs by artist.	Source_VOA	1
1537056	Tom wants to be a tattoo artist.	Spamster	1
2388179	I never said I was an artist.	CK	1
2751157	Tom's father is a famous artist.	CK	1
296075	He is the greatest living artist.	Eldad	1
1951611	I can't find anybody to ask.	CK	1
2018844	Is that really what you want to ask?	CK	1
3142827	If you have any questions, just ask.	CK	1
297317	He did the reverse of what I asked.	CK	1
2954202	Why didn't you just do what we asked?	CK	1
2285825	Don't touch anything without asking.	CK	1
2375877	I know exactly what I'm asking.	CK	1
2952865	I'm sure I can do what you're asking.	CK	1
32160	We found that everyone was asleep.	CK	1
322106	While reading a book, I fell asleep.	CM	1
1312184	I turned the lamp off and fell asleep.	lugal	1
1867989	Tom pretended he was still asleep.	CK	1
1877513	Tom noticed that Mary was asleep.	CK	1
1961673	I thought you said Tom would be asleep.	CK	1
2408261	I think Tom is finally asleep.	CK	1
2765420	Tom has already fallen asleep.	CK	1
3144560	I suggest you pretend you're asleep.	CK	1
894479	The baby seemed to be fast asleep.	CK	1
2060508	You need to learn to be assertive.	CK	1
1341302	Call me if you need my assistance.	CK	1
2300074	I called to offer my assistance.	CK	1
2953547	We appreciate your assistance.	CK	1
2953717	We need emergency assistance.	CK	1
2387648	I need to hire an assistant.	CK	1
2540583	I'll be working as your assistant.	CK	1
2712994	I'm looking for a new assistant.	CK	1
3123506	Do you like being Tom's assistant?	CK	1
887400	She stared at him in astonishment.	CK	1
2361108	I don't believe in astrology.	CK	1
1954853	I can't see what Tom is looking at.	CK	1
2359970	I have more than one thing I'm good at.	CK	1
1025349	Tom has never had a heart attack.	CK	1
2540955	I'm going to have a heart attack.	CK	1
3152509	You almost gave me a heart attack.	CK	1
2358720	I have a funeral to attend.	CK	1
314477	She attracted our attention.	CK	1
2212241	Why don't you try to pay attention?	CK	1
2279436	Tom doesn't pay any attention.	CK	1
2361022	I hope you've been paying attention.	CK	1
2374135	I just wasn't paying attention.	CK	1
2540364	Tom tried to get Mary's attention.	CK	1
2540742	Why don't you ever pay attention?	CK	1
2719010	You should've been paying attention.	CK	1