English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1786

1093517	Tom intends to go, rain or shine.	CK	1
1123692	There are many rats on the ship.	CK	1
1963143	Tom told us it was an old ship.	CK	1
307177	They abandoned the sinking ship.	CK	1
2409560	I told you I hated that shirt.	CK	1
2612782	I'm wearing an orange T-shirt.	CK	1
2643055	Doesn't Tom ever wear a shirt?	CK	1
1096001	Tom and Mary bought matching shirts.	CK	1
314230	She gave me a nice pair of shoes.	CK	1
1024533	Tom looks funny wearing those shoes.	CK	1
1095750	Tom bought new laces for his shoes.	CK	1
1543650	I just bought a new pair of shoes.	CK	1
2014368	Tom wanted to polish his shoes.	CK	1
2033598	Tom wanted to wear his new shoes.	CK	1
2033725	You might want to take off your shoes.	CK	1
2060388	I'd do the same thing in your shoes.	CK	1
2407866	I think I'll buy this pair of shoes.	CK	1
57756	Are there any bags in this shop?	CM	1
1173067	I drove to town and went shopping.	eastasiastudent	1
887226	She intended to go shopping.	CK	1
1891136	I'm sure Tom will be here shortly.	CK	1
1895602	You're lucky you didn't get shot.	CK	1
2092490	Did anyone hear the gun shot?	CK	1
2330023	I guess I could give it a shot.	CK	1
3152250	We agreed we'd give it a shot.	CK	1
3327625	Luckily nobody got shot.	CK	1
1028073	Tom shot Mary with a shotgun.	CK	1
295997	He was wounded in the shoulder.	CK	1
300975	He shook his son by the shoulder.	CK	1
376336	He felt her hand on his shoulder.	saeb	1
1025464	Tom has a pain in the shoulder.	CK	1
1040613	Tom has a chip on his shoulder.	CK	1
1092644	Tom touched Mary on the shoulder.	CK	1
1094017	Tom gave Mary the cold shoulder.	CK	1
1731572	I dislocated my shoulder.	Spamster	1
3172053	I put my hand on Tom's shoulder.	CK	1
56271	We hope you will enjoy the show.	CK	1
706889	I'm going to take a shower.	papabear	1
1048263	He always sings in the shower.	CK	1
1092489	Tom wanted to take a shower.	CK	1
1093290	Tom likes singing in the shower.	CK	1
1523548	Tom watched the meteor shower.	Spamster	1
1598082	I want a room with a shower.	Chelsea	1
2330025	I guess I could use a shower.	CK	1
1078073	I was just taking a shower.	keira_n	1
2742533	Do you often watch cooking shows?	CK	1
290106	He often thinks with his eyes shut.	CK	1
2542449	I'm going to get some shuteye.	CK	1
1847698	Tom ate something that made him sick.	CK	1
1944085	I think I'm going to be sick.	Spamster	1