English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1784

2544885	I'll be ready in a second.	CK	1
3114080	Can you hold this for a second?	CK	1
3181508	Can I talk to you a second?	CK	1
3181549	Let me talk to you a second.	CK	1
3181562	Can we talk to you a second?	CK	1
3181564	Can I talk you for a second?	CK	1
3181744	Can we talk to you for second?	CK	1
3328477	Can I see you for a second?	CK	1
3328480	Can you excuse me a second?	CK	1
3328481	Can you excuse us a second?	CK	1
59521	This plan requires secrecy.	CK	1
1026787	Tom can't ever keep a secret.	CK	1
1409183	It's said that he knows the secret.	CK	1
1409184	They say that he knows the secret.	CK	1
2262880	Tom has a terrible secret.	CK	1
2291633	I already know your secret.	CK	1
2360534	I have to keep it a secret.	CK	1
2388053	I never could keep a secret.	CK	1
2543655	I'll let you in on a secret.	CK	1
2722365	We should've kept that a secret.	CK	1
2722385	Do you want to know a secret?	CK	1
3164393	Why is it such a big secret?	CK	1
3164394	Why have you kept it a secret?	CK	1
3164396	Why didn't you keep it secret?	CK	1
3164402	We tried to keep it a secret.	CK	1
3164406	We have to keep it a secret.	CK	1
3164408	We had to keep it a secret.	CK	1
3164449	Tom can never keep a secret.	CK	1
3164463	That'll remain our secret.	CK	1
3164494	I'll tell you a little secret.	CK	1
316571	She admits knowing the secret.	CK	1
3264712	Are you the new secretary?	CK	1
1030062	Mary is Tom's secretary.	CK	1
3164436	Tom isn't very secretive.	CK	1
3164440	Tom is extremely secretive.	CK	1
1955003	I can't tell you all my secrets.	CK	1
3164480	It's difficult to keep secrets.	CK	1
2544746	I'm in charge of security.	CK	1
2995493	Can someone call security?	CK	1
2547373	I was heavily sedated.	CK	1
2329349	I gave Tom a mild sedative.	CK	1
248629	We see what we expect to see.	CK	1
1318734	I don't know who you want to see.	CK	1
2014241	Do you want to know what I see?	CK	1
2014772	What didn't Tom want you to see?	CK	1
2014777	What doesn't Tom want us to see?	CK	1
2016758	You're just the man I want to see.	CK	1
2033484	That isn't what I want to see.	CK	1
2033649	There's someone else I want to see.	CK	1
2376046	I know it's difficult to see.	CK	1