English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1735

2208510	Leave us alone for a minute.	CK	1
2208535	Leave Tom alone for a minute.	CK	1
31688	I'll wait another five minutes.	CK	1
52048	I'll be back in a few minutes.	CK	1
72988	Could you spare me a few minutes?	CK	1
73378	He'll be along in ten minutes.	CK	1
288377	He will be back in ten minutes.	CK	1
371402	The speech lasted thirty minutes.	saeb	1
1524734	Tom can do it in 10 minutes.	Spamster	1
1890872	I'll be ready in ten minutes.	CK	1
2014230	Do you want a few more minutes?	CK	1
2199751	I can be there in ten minutes.	Hybrid	1
2359205	I've been on hold for ten minutes.	CK	1
2406635	I still have about three minutes.	CK	1
2427963	I'll be there in fifteen minutes.	CK	1
2539799	I'll meet you there in five minutes.	CK	1
2541860	I'm meeting Tom in ten minutes.	CK	1
2543688	I'll be there in 30 minutes.	CK	1
2630303	I have only a few minutes.	meerkat	1
2642028	We'll meet Tom in thirty minutes.	CK	1
2642029	We'll be there in thirty minutes.	CK	1
2711761	I'll be back in 30 minutes.	CK	1
3152738	Can't you give us a few minutes?	CK	1
3152741	Can we give it ten more minutes?	CK	1
3360242	You'll see me in 30 minutes.	CK	1
3281664	We just wasted 30 minutes.	CK	1
2541440	I'll pick you up in ten minutes.	CK	1
488978	It was truly a miracle.	blay_paul	1
2275366	Don't you believe in miracles?	CK	1
2638915	I don't believe in miracles.	Joseph	1
2665143	Do you believe in miracles?	WestofEden	1
713226	Doesn't it look like a mirror?	Guybrush88	1
1164242	Tom saw himself in the mirror.	CK	1
1442254	She stood in front of the mirror.	CK	1
2542252	Tom didn't look in the mirror.	CK	1
2643942	Tom looks pretty miserable.	CK	1
3184000	I think Tom is miserable.	CK	1
1028076	Tom shot at Mary, but he missed.	CK	1
246272	A ring and some cash are missing.	CK	1
1028135	Tom reported Mary missing.	CK	1
1519606	Tom has been reported missing.	Spamster	1
2433506	Your shirt has a button missing.	CK	1
3287323	It seems like there's something missing.	CK	1
1886042	Do you understand the mission?	CK	1
3226504	This is a dangerous mission.	CK	1
22748	We are sorry for his mistake.	alexmarcelo	1
258527	I made a serious mistake.	CK	1
437001	I think you have made a mistake.	lukaszpp	1
453508	I believe that there's a mistake.	FeuDRenais	1
1550057	Anyone can make a mistake.	CK	1