English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1693

1039253	That's a pretty good idea.	CK	1
1176638	I had a brilliant idea.	paula_guisard	1
1300927	That's a really great idea.	CK	1
1691379	I just got a good idea.	aka_aj	1
1887357	I have another idea.	CK	1
1887725	I think that's a good idea.	CK	1
1891178	I've got a better idea.	CK	1
2279413	Tom doesn't like this idea.	CK	1
2280405	That's an excellent idea.	CK	1
2407760	I think I get the idea.	CK	1
2407938	I think it's a great idea.	CK	1
2408153	I think that's a great idea.	CK	1
2408237	I think Tom gets the idea.	CK	1
2543566	I'm intrigued by Tom's idea.	CK	1
2544310	I'd say that's a good idea.	CK	1
2643945	Tom laughed at Mary's idea.	CK	1
2644328	Tom says it was your idea.	CK	1
2644747	We all had the same idea.	CK	1
2646417	Tom has a better idea.	CK	1
2711974	That was a stupid idea.	CK	1
2892790	Where did you get that idea?	CK	1
2953059	It sounds like a good idea.	CK	1
2955443	Tom abandoned the idea.	CK	1
3066265	That's a very good idea.	CK	1
3184176	I think I have an idea.	CK	1
3184211	Tom thinks it's a good idea.	CK	1
3184343	Tom thinks it's a great idea.	CK	1
3313004	We think it's a good idea.	CK	1
302761	He adopted her idea.	CM	1
297781	He accepted my idea.	CK	1
314331	She agreed to my idea.	CK	1
1904269	She agreed with my idea.	CK	1
38193	Where did you get the idea?	CK	1
2208	I'm running out of ideas.	CK	1
260632	I don't support his ideas.	CK	1
1860467	Don't give Tom any ideas.	CK	1
1887368	I have so many ideas.	CK	1
2360211	I have plenty of ideas.	CK	1
2547141	I'm open to new ideas.	CK	1
2951663	Do you have any ideas?	CK	1
3264717	We could use some new ideas.	CK	1
2484980	I have a lot of ideas.	AlanF_US	1
2326005	I feel like such an idiot.	CK	1
2326222	I felt like such an idiot.	CK	1
2543265	You're acting like an idiot.	CK	1
2957031	Tom is a total idiot.	CK	1
3158695	Tom is a hopeless idiot.	CK	1
3241824	Do you think I'm an idiot?	Hybrid	1
3178303	You must think I'm an idiot.	CK	1
1897713	It looks like we're being ignored.	CK	1