English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1641

2892031	That's going to be difficult.	CK	1
2892078	That's what makes it so difficult.	CK	1
2892080	That's what makes this so difficult.	CK	1
2276911	That doesn't seem too difficult.	CK	1
2544978	I understand your dilemma.	CK	1
249453	We ate fresh fruit after dinner.	CK	1
262085	I was invited to dinner.	CK	1
436569	I drink coffee after dinner.	lukaszpp	1
887288	She made him a simple dinner.	CK	1
1028850	Tom got Mary to cook dinner.	CK	1
1092337	Tom was the one who cooked dinner.	CK	1
1095952	Tom and Mary met for dinner.	CK	1
1141090	Tom treated Mary to dinner.	CK	1
1141100	Tom took Mary out to dinner.	CK	1
1164430	Tom made spaghetti for dinner.	CK	1
1543662	Did you invite Tom to dinner?	CK	1
1868394	Tom didn't come home for dinner.	CK	1
2007421	Let's discuss it over dinner.	CK	1
2095458	I'm meeting someone for dinner.	CK	1
2359880	I've invited Tom to dinner.	CK	1
2361018	I hope you're staying for dinner.	CK	1
2541462	I'll be home in time for dinner.	CK	1
2543584	I'm going to go make dinner.	CK	1
2642950	Tom didn't show up for dinner.	CK	1
2849900	What are you doing for dinner?	CK	1
2892762	Where're we going for dinner?	CK	1
2951802	Do you want to go to dinner?	CK	1
3223108	We're just sitting down for dinner.	CK	1
3313099	We haven't had our dinner.	CK	1
3328534	Can we come over for dinner?	CK	1
8390	You have no sense of direction.	CK	1
303651	He has no sense of direction.	CK	1
1093627	Tom has no sense of direction.	CK	1
1029734	Tom asked Mary for directions.	CK	1
1951428	You can't contact Tom directly.	CK	1
2541618	Why don't you ask Tom directly?	CK	1
3181563	Can we talk to Tom directly?	CK	1
2358696	I have a disability.	CK	1
913835	Let's just agree to disagree.	CK	1
2610912	Do you agree or disagree?	CK	1
2235958	Tom apparently disagrees.	CK	1
2358820	I have a son who disappeared.	CK	1
2361007	I hope you're not disappointed.	CK	1
2544818	I'm a little disappointed.	CK	1
2644284	Tom was very disappointed.	CK	1
2273589	Tom is very disappointed.	CK	1
2376231	I know Tom was disappointed.	CK	1
2273068	Tom is clearly disappointed.	CK	1
2618638	I thought we got disconnected.	vijaysharma	1
2849905	Tom wanted a bigger discount.	CK	1