English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1621

1023979	Tom was hiding behind a bush.	CK	1
304514	He was called away on business.	CK	1
1419065	Tom's in the construction business.	CK	1
2376065	I know it's none of my business.	CK	1
2542423	I'm here on official business.	CK	1
2734243	Tom is in Boston on business.	CK	1
2734250	Tom went to Boston on business.	CK	1
2835651	We have some unfinished business.	CK	1
2835662	We had some unfinished business.	CK	1
3023864	Tom flew to Boston on business.	CK	1
319045	My father is a businessman.	CK	1
251631	My father is always busy.	CK	1
261074	I know that she has been busy.	CK	1
298553	He told me that he was busy.	CK	1
2046713	I really am very busy.	CK	1
2046755	Excuse me, I'm very busy.	CK	1
2046787	You're obviously too busy.	CK	1
2046797	I didn't know you were busy.	CK	1
2046801	My job keeps me pretty busy.	CK	1
2046805	You guys are always so busy.	CK	1
2046807	Excuse me, Tom, are you busy?	CK	1
2046809	I'm just trying to keep busy.	CK	1
2046813	Can't you see we're very busy?	CK	1
2046823	I can't talk now. I'm too busy.	CK	1
2046824	I hear Tom has been quite busy.	CK	1
2642799	You said that Tom wasn't busy.	CK	1
2643044	I hate it when you're so busy.	CK	1
2643046	I guess I'm not all that busy.	CK	1
2643183	Tom says that he's very busy.	CK	1
2643375	I've never seen them so busy.	CK	1
2643377	I'm really not all that busy.	CK	1
2643624	Tom doesn't seem to be busy.	CK	1
2643727	I've never seen you so busy.	CK	1
2643728	I've never seen Tom so busy.	CK	1
2643737	I thought everyone was busy.	CK	1
2643745	I knew that Tom wasn't busy.	CK	1
2643755	I assumed you might be busy.	CK	1
2643814	Why are you always so busy?	CK	1
2643997	Tom doesn't look very busy.	CK	1
2644019	Tom asked me if I was busy.	CK	1
2644112	I know that Tom isn't busy.	CK	1
2644309	Tom told Mary he was busy.	CK	1
2644326	Tom seems to be very busy.	CK	1
2644371	Tom knew Mary wasn't busy.	CK	1
2644481	Tom and I are pretty busy.	CK	1
2644485	Tom and I are always busy.	CK	1
2644982	Tom and Mary aren't busy.	CK	1
2645431	Tom and I are very busy.	CK	1
2646052	I was really very busy.	CK	1
2663458	My problem is I'm too busy.	CK	1