English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1514

3157859	I'm not going to drink this.	CK	1
3162198	Can you help me carry this?	CK	1
3168030	You're the one who gave me this.	CK	1
3181470	We need to talk about this.	CK	1
3181471	We have to talk about this.	CK	1
3181511	Are you talking about this?	CK	1
3185855	Who's going to pay for this?	CK	1
3200367	Did I tell you I had this?	CK	1
3200374	Can I tell Tom about this?	CK	1
3200443	Tell me you didn't do this.	CK	1
3200505	Why didn't Tom tell us this?	CK	1
3200507	Why are you telling us this?	CK	1
3200673	Did you tell Tom about this?	CK	1
3200687	Why didn't you tell Tom this?	CK	1
3201035	You don't have to tell me this.	CK	1
3201673	Please don't tell Tom about this.	CK	1
3310774	We're going to finish this.	CK	1
3312023	We'll never get out of this.	CK	1
3312731	We shouldn't be doing this.	CK	1
3312732	We used to be good at this.	CK	1
3321177	We're going ahead with this.	CK	1
3321182	What's the point in doing this?	CK	1
3327766	Can you identify this?	CK	1
3356072	You've got to let me do this.	CK	1
3356306	You know a lot about this.	CK	1
3358846	You know we didn't do this.	CK	1
3358912	You're not going to like this.	CK	1
3358913	You've got to trust me on this.	CK	1
3359691	Are you sure you're up to this?	CK	1
3359692	Do you think I should do this?	CK	1
3359693	Would you mind explaining this?	CK	1
3359935	Are you sure you're up for this?	CK	1
3360261	You really need to see this.	CK	1
2208459	I know I'm alone on this.	CK	1
1867725	Tom wasn't expecting this.	CK	1
2044653	Tom is not happy with this.	CK	1
1868154	Tom is the one who did this.	CK	1
3181750	You can't talk to me like this.	CK	1
2406383	I should've been more thorough.	CK	1
2643467	We've studied it thoroughly.	CK	1
254836	I studied it thoroughly.	CK	1
1847747	You're not allowed to eat those.	CK	1
2013688	Why do you want one of those?	CK	1
2047700	You should be careful with those.	CK	1
2359734	I've got to get one of those.	CK	1
2361201	I don't have many of those.	CK	1
2643099	What're you doing with those?	CK	1
2892772	Where are you going with those?	CK	1
3150865	Are you going to buy those?	CK	1
3168215	It's not either one of those.	CK	1