English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1505

3312783	We were going to try that.	CK	1
3312784	We already covered that.	CK	1
3327773	Can you identify that?	CK	1
3328124	Can we forget about that?	CK	1
3328469	Can I trust you to do that?	CK	1
3329582	Can I count on you for that?	CK	1
3329583	Can we trust Tom to do that?	CK	1
3330148	I'm still not sure about that.	CK	1
3330151	I'm not sure why I did that.	CK	1
3330153	I'm not worried about that.	CK	1
3330155	I didn't see Tom do that.	CK	1
3355043	Do you think I enjoyed that?	CK	1
3358337	You were smart not to eat that.	CK	1
3360184	Do you need some help with that?	CK	1
3360193	You said you wouldn't do that.	CK	1
3360272	You know I didn't mean that.	CK	1
3360273	You knew I wouldn't do that.	CK	1
3360307	You and I aren't like that.	CK	1
3371203	How did Tom feel about that?	CK	1
3372394	You need to stop saying that.	CK	1
3373035	You have to trust me on that.	CK	1
3373041	You don't get to decide that.	CK	1
3373051	You can't be certain of that.	CK	1
3374681	I regret that I did that.	CK	1
3375756	Do you want me to do that?	CK	1
2215623	Tom will appreciate that.	CK	1
1164156	Tom was happy about that.	CK	1
36059	Why do I have to do that?	CK	1
1293280	He was too shy to do that.	CK	1
2012617	Do you want to bet on that?	CK	1
254120	I was deeply moved by that.	CK	1
41837	I wish you had told me that.	CK	1
2013650	Tom didn't seem to want that.	CK	1
3017556	I really should have known that.	hoffmania	1
279865	How do I report a theft?	CK	1
1140996	Tom was arrested for theft.	CK	1
32110	I don't like any of them.	CK	1
260864	I don't know either of them.	CK	1
302528	He made a clean break with them.	CK	1
689723	I felt awkward around them.	ulyssemc1	1
953870	I've already tested them.	CK	1
1040797	If you can't beat them, join them.	CK	1
1156147	I don't want either of them.	alexmarcelo	1
1894525	Let's try to reason with them.	CK	1
1961523	I thought Tom was one of them.	CK	1
2013687	Why did you want to buy them?	CK	1
2275420	Don't you worry about them?	CK	1
2281714	Tom really didn't need them.	CK	1
2361752	I thought you didn't like them.	CK	1
2544764	I'm going to talk to them.	CK	1