English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1422

2376443	I know where I'm going next.	CK	1
2376466	I know where Tom will go next.	CK	1
2883165	What do you think you'll do next?	CK	1
2952817	I'm not sure what to do next.	CK	1
2990579	What do you want to do next?	CK	1
3129963	What's going to happen next?	CK	1
264346	Where would you like to go next?	CK	1
250275	My father is very nice.	CK	1
1961183	I thought a swim might be nice.	CK	1
2584610	Come on in. The water's nice.	CK	1
2713469	Tom is really very nice.	CK	1
3329797	Can't you say anything nice?	CK	1
70966	Your father seems very nice.	CK	1
2262899	What a terrible nickname!	CK	1
2957377	Tom isn't fond of nicknames.	CK	1
1660	I'd like to stay for one night.	CK	1
31744	Now it's time to say good night.	CK	1
31937	Mary stayed up late last night.	CK	1
48282	The dog kept barking all night.	CK	1
244458	Did you hear my show last night?	CK	1
244635	We had an earthquake last night.	CK	1
244735	My car was stolen last night.	CK	1
244767	He dropped in on me last night.	CK	1
244819	I couldn't sleep well last night.	adjusting	1
244827	Did you eat something last night?	CK	1
244839	We had a nice time last night.	CK	1
248755	We had a good time last night.	CK	1
249432	We lock our doors at night.	CK	1
252208	I often stay up all night.	CK	1
255903	I go to bed late at night.	CK	1
257805	I had a strange dream last night.	CK	1
259591	I'm used to working all night.	CK	1
263044	We had a party last night.	CK	1
296942	He appeared on TV last night.	CK	1
323226	How about tomorrow night?	CM	1
388561	He worked from morning till night.	CK	1
704404	The art teacher paints at night.	azulhana	1
1025598	Tom had a weird dream last night.	CK	1
1026288	Tom didn't sleep well last night.	CK	1
1027974	Tom talked with Mary all night.	CK	1
1040559	Tom slept like a log last night.	CK	1
1092374	Tom was on the news last night.	CK	1
1093303	Tom left the TV on all night.	CK	1
1093304	Tom left the lights on all night.	CK	1
1093369	Tom keeps his doors locked at night.	CK	1
1202229	Tom drank way too much last night.	CK	1
1224481	I'll put you up for the night.	CK	1
1290681	I slept very well last night.	CK	1
1316139	He put me up for a night.	CK	1
1316140	He let me stay for a night.	CK	1