English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1330

430144	May I eat this hamburger?	witbrock	1
249866	Please give me a hamburger.	CK	1
453418	I ordered two hamburgers.	FeuDRenais	1
2734332	Tom played the part of Hamlet.	CK	1
887214	She hit him with a hammer.	CK	1
2400169	Tom fixed it with a hammer.	CK	1
2273369	Tom is probably hammered.	CK	1
258450	I have a book in my hand.	CK	1
314870	She has flowers in her hand.	CK	1
1023797	What does Tom have in his hand?	CK	1
1025310	Tom has something in his hand.	CK	1
1028365	Tom let go of Mary's hand.	CK	1
1028841	Tom grabbed Mary by the hand.	CK	1
1095537	Tom caught the ball with one hand.	CK	1
1095631	Tom can write with either hand.	CK	1
1852503	Let me see what's in your hand.	CK	1
2012909	Do you want to hold my hand?	CK	1
2013969	I want you to hold Tom's hand.	CK	1
2210698	Why don't you give me a hand?	CK	1
2300663	I can do it with one hand.	CK	1
2544588	Tom has a pen in his hand.	CK	1
3152571	Come on, I'll give you a hand.	CK	1
3152849	I'll go and give Tom a hand.	CK	1
3193824	I have a rash on my hand.	CK	1
69234	What do you have in your hand?	CK	1
2308024	I consulted the handbook.	CK	1
292454	He took out his handkerchief.	CK	1
628380	Are you done washing your hands?	AmberShadow	1
887033	She choked him with her bare hands.	CK	1
1141040	Tom wanted to wash his hands.	CK	1
2407878	I think I'll go wash my hands.	CK	1
2541579	Don't forget to wash your hands.	CK	1
2541861	I'm leaving this in your hands.	CK	1
38659	Why are you holding my hands?	CK	1
1543179	Do you think that I'm handsome?	Bah_Dure	1
953072	A gun might come in handy.	CK	1
2644518	Put this coat on a hanger.	CK	1
2359554	I've got a bad hangover.	CK	1
265232	That didn't really happen.	CK	1
954154	Let's hope that doesn't happen.	CK	1
989041	I wonder what will happen.	Nero	1
1009349	That sort of thing won't happen.	AOCinJAPAN	1
1438058	I don't know what'll happen.	CK	1
1936383	I'd like to see that happen.	CK	1
1956126	What do you want to happen?	CK	1
2012927	I don't want that to happen.	CK	1
2272029	It doesn't always happen.	CK	1
2280388	Nothing's going to happen.	CK	1
2291191	I didn't see it happen.	CK	1
2308256	I couldn't let that happen.	CK	1