English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 124

2235755	I'll miss Tom.	CK	1
2235754	I'll meet Tom.	CK	1
2235753	I'll help Tom.	CK	1
2235748	I'll find Tom.	CK	1
2235747	I'll call Tom.	CK	1
2235743	I watched Tom.	CK	1
2235738	I touched Tom.	CK	1
2235658	Come meet Tom.	CK	1
2057760	Why blame Tom?	CK	1
2007925	Let's ask Tom.	CK	1
2007911	Let's sue Tom.	CK	1
1849355	Stay with Tom.	CK	1
311828	She loves Tom.	CK	1
2254487	We'll show Tom.	CK	1
2250247	I'll phone Tom.	CK	1
2250243	His name's Tom.	CK	1
2244572	I'll bring Tom.	CK	1
2244559	Don't call Tom.	CK	1
2243249	They loved Tom.	CK	1
2243151	They heard Tom.	CK	1
2243125	They found Tom.	CK	1
2240371	You'll see Tom.	CK	1
2240363	You'd love Tom.	CK	1
2240362	You'd like Tom.	CK	1
2240361	You scared Tom.	CK	1
2240360	You killed Tom.	CK	1
2240352	Who kissed Tom?	CK	1
2240321	We'll tell Tom.	CK	1
2240320	We'll stop Tom.	CK	1
2240318	We'll miss Tom.	CK	1
2240317	We'll meet Tom.	CK	1
2240315	We'll find Tom.	CK	1
2240310	We'll call Tom.	CK	1
2240306	We tricked Tom.	CK	1
2235901	That's not Tom.	CK	1
2235875	Please get Tom.	CK	1
2235863	Let's meet Tom.	CK	1
2235768	I'll watch Tom.	CK	1
2235766	I'll thank Tom.	CK	1
2235764	I'll teach Tom.	CK	1
2235695	Don't tell Tom.	CK	1
2235693	Don't mind Tom.	CK	1
2235692	Don't help Tom.	CK	1
2235657	Check with Tom.	CK	1
2218302	You're not Tom.	CK	1
2007905	Let's call Tom.	CK	1
2007900	Let's find Tom.	CK	1
1898377	Here comes Tom.	CK	1
1023750	Who killed Tom?	CK	1
2396052	Hold still, Tom.	CK	1