English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1198

3329907	I'm not done with Tom yet.	CK	1
3358892	You can't go in there yet.	CK	1
2092557	Is anyone here yet?	CK	1
1024683	Tom isn't ready yet.	CK	1
2250421	Don't do anything yet.	CK	1
3023729	Tom hasn't done it yet.	CK	1
2262785	Tom hasn't arrived yet.	CK	1
3181269	Tom can't talk to us yet.	CK	1
312230	She hasn't turned up yet.	CK	1
31190	Have you eaten lunch yet?	CK	1
388349	There are no comments yet.	CK	1
2272895	Tom is a yodeler.	CK	1
251968	My daughter likes egg yolks.	CK	1
2083	I learned a lot from you.	Swift	1
15896	You won't be late, will you?	CK	1
16429	You can't speak French, can you?	CK	1
16857	I can hardly hear you.	CK	1
17202	I don't quite follow you.	CK	1
17423	I don't agree with you.	CK	1
17495	I'm leaving it to you.	NekoKanjya	1
17545	I can't keep up with you.	CK	1
17557	I'm anxious to see you.	CK	1
17607	I feel relaxed with you.	Swift	1
17959	No harm will come to you.	corvard	1
19953	Smoking is bad for you.	CK	1
25705	Your wife is mad at you.	CK	1
25733	Pass me the salt, will you?	CK	1
28972	I want to go with you.	CK	1
35531	Shut the door behind you.	spockofvulcan	1
35532	Close the door after you.	CK	1
38211	Where's convenient for you?	CK	1
38401	That's very kind of you.	CK	1
39989	Give me a hand, will you?	CK	1
40031	Give me a break, will you?	CK	1
40469	Someone is calling you.	CK	1
42700	It must be hard for you.	CK	1
51899	I already told you.	CK	1
54282	I hope to hear from you.	CK	1
56969	This book belongs to you.	CK	1
59141	I'll leave this work to you.	CK	1
66387	When can I visit you?	CK	1
68848	It's a present for you.	CK	1
70926	I'll never forget you.	TRANG	1
70971	We are glad to help you.	CK	1
71103	I have good news for you.	CK	1
71177	I'm surprised to see you.	CK	1
71199	I quite agree with you.	CK	1
237694	I was not scolding you.	samueldora	1
237724	I have a job for you.	CK	1
237738	I can't live without you.	CK	1