English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1094

499541	He's mumbling something.	Swift	1
39949	May I ask you something?	CK	1
2273207	Tom is holding something.	CK	1
2064690	This really is something.	CK	1
2064153	Tom is reading something.	CK	1
2064151	Tom is writing something.	CK	1
2009307	Tom was hiding something.	CK	1
1662337	Tom is drawing something.	Amastan	1
2064708	That was really something.	CK	1
2401224	Tom was scared of something.	CK	1
2062507	You're forgetting something.	CK	1
242400	Come and see us sometime.	CK	1
2050603	We should play golf sometime.	CK	1
2953790	We should go out sometime.	CK	1
3330179	I'll fill you in sometime.	CK	1
3358921	You should try it sometime.	CK	1
3360258	You should come by sometime.	CK	1
2334127	I hate this job sometimes.	CK	1
2722389	I hate my job sometimes.	Hybrid	1
2892009	That's all it takes sometimes.	CK	1
2210734	Why don't you go somewhere?	CK	1
2359883	I have it here somewhere.	CK	1
2360581	I have to start somewhere.	CK	1
2376057	I know it's here somewhere.	CK	1
2389903	I put it here somewhere.	CK	1
2543918	We have to start somewhere.	CK	1
2543986	Tom is out there somewhere.	CK	1
2544575	Tom is in there somewhere.	CK	1
2643892	Tom wandered off somewhere.	CK	1
2890924	Are we going somewhere?	CK	1
2890942	Are you going somewhere?	CK	1
2891788	Now we're getting somewhere.	CK	1
2953672	We have to go somewhere.	CK	1
3328135	Can I meet you somewhere?	CK	1
2273205	Tom is hiding somewhere.	CK	1
302819	He spoke well of her son.	jakov	1
1543965	Tom got drunk with his son.	Spamster	1
1868043	Tom looks proud of his son.	CK	1
2012193	Tom wants to see his son.	CK	1
2380237	I love you like a son.	CK	1
2646011	Tell me about your son.	CK	1
1874258	Tom is like my own son.	CK	1
1024818	Tom is the perfect son.	CK	1
1093445	Tom is proud of his son.	CK	1
43116	It's my favorite song.	CK	1
254256	I want to sing the song.	CK	1
276529	Everyone knew the song.	CK	1
305878	Each of them sang a song.	CK	1
906891	What's your favorite song?	CK	1
1026353	Tom didn't know that song.	CK	1