English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1080

2647165	Hold on for a second.	CK	1
2647166	Hold it for a second.	CK	1
2647197	Do you have a second?	CK	1
2648056	Relax for a second.	CK	1
2891240	Hold on just one second.	CK	1
3151343	Just give us a second.	CK	1
3151346	Just give Tom a second.	CK	1
3151360	Just give me a second.	CK	1
3151519	Give me just a second.	CK	1
3168268	Excuse me one second.	CK	1
3222961	Sit down for a second.	CK	1
3222974	Sit tight for a second.	CK	1
3327433	Can I have a second?	CK	1
3181169	Can we talk a second?	CK	1
3151461	Give me thirty seconds.	CK	1
3151548	Give me a few seconds.	CK	1
3357804	You've got thirty seconds.	CK	1
3130429	Why all the secrecy?	CK	1
55421	Let's keep this a secret.	CK	1
66765	I'll tell you a secret.	CK	1
302959	He found out the secret.	CK	1
1483035	Tom told me his secret.	Spamster	1
2130898	I can keep a secret.	Hybrid	1
2330067	I guess it's a secret.	CK	1
2547268	I'll keep it a secret.	CK	1
2549038	It isn't a secret.	CK	1
2646491	This'll be our secret.	CK	1
2698665	Tom can keep a secret.	WestofEden	1
2722330	Do you know Tom's secret?	CK	1
2956255	Tom can't keep a secret.	CK	1
3164419	Tom told me a secret.	CK	1
3164428	Tom revealed the secret.	CK	1
3164429	Tom revealed his secret.	CK	1
3164444	Tom has a dark secret.	CK	1
3164462	That's hardly a secret.	CK	1
3164472	OK, what's the secret?	CK	1
3164505	How was it kept secret?	CK	1
3164507	Here's a little secret.	CK	1
9594	Can you keep a secret?	CK	1
1827551	Please keep it a secret.	CK	1
61099	Please keep this a secret.	CK	1
3164439	Tom is quite secretive.	CK	1
2334101	I hate keeping secrets.	CK	1
2644746	We all have dark secrets.	CK	1
2245634	I called security.	CK	1
2247689	I'll call security.	CK	1
2272694	Tom has been sedated.	CK	1
2547053	They have Tom sedated.	CK	1
2647170	Has Tom been sedated?	CK	1
1956133	What do you want to see?	CK	1