English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 104

1868041	Tom looks sick.	CK	1
1841497	You're not sick.	CK	1
2251084	That's just sick.	CK	1
2007774	Let's switch sides.	CK	1
2249009	It's a sign.	CK	1
2187234	It's silent.	CK	1
2107595	Tom's silent.	CK	1
2203350	You're silly.	CK	1
2111402	That's silly.	CK	1
958778	That's simple.	FeuDRenais	1
2203354	I'm sincere.	CK	1
2203351	We're sincere.	CK	1
2107596	Tom's sincere.	CK	1
2203352	You're sincere.	CK	1
1883025	I can't sing.	Spamster	1
2821695	Tom can't sing.	CK	1
2245645	I can sing.	CK	1
2245724	I don't sing.	CK	1
2235655	Can Tom sing?	CK	1
1954876	I can't sing.	CK	1
2257563	Tom will sing.	CK	1
2111638	Keep singing.	CK	1
2111520	Start singing.	CK	1
2107597	Tom's singing.	CK	1
2111685	I'm single.	CK	1
2203355	You're single.	CK	1
2107360	We're sinking.	CK	1
2242993	They're sisters.	CK	1
2255152	You may sit.	CK	1
2245235	Could we sit?	CK	1
72418	Wait till six.	CK	1
2234183	What's your size?	CK	1
3171744	Tom can skate.	CK	1
1173674	She can skate.	CK	1
70016	Can you skate?	CK	1
3171743	Tom can't ski.	CK	1
52315	I can ski.	CK	1
2245281	Do you ski?	CK	1
1556827	She can't ski.	brymck	1
2107598	Tom's skiing.	CK	1
2255438	You've got skills.	CK	1
2203357	I'm skinny.	CK	1
2203359	You're skinny.	CK	1
2247635	I won't sleep.	CK	1
2255382	You'll need sleep.	CK	1
453530	Go to sleep.	saasmath	1
2253816	Try to sleep.	CK	1
2246013	I need sleep.	CK	1
2245517	Get to sleep.	CK	1
2245058	Can you sleep?	CK	1