English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Ride" in Example Sentences
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25985	Can you give me a ride to the station?	CK	1
1093386	Tom isn't used to riding a motorcycle.	CK	1
260922	I gave him a ride in my car last night.	CK	1
1024268	Tom rode his motorcycle across America.	CK	1
2060739	You should learn how to ride a bicycle.	CK	1
26013	Could you give me a ride to the station?	CK	1
313840	She learned to ride a bicycle last year.	Eldad	1
1024631	Tom knows a boy who can ride a unicycle.	CK	1
2358965	I've always wanted to try riding a horse.	CK	1
1095874	Tom asked Mary if she needed a ride home.	CK	1
1094912	Tom definitely knows how to ride a horse.	CK	1
887051	She couldn't convince him to ride a horse.	CK	1
1099531	The car he was riding crashed into a train.	CK	1
2404164	I rode a horse for the first time yesterday.	CK	1
1954585	We can't let Tom walk. Let's give him a ride.	CK	1
507983	You shouldn't ride a bicycle on the sidewalk.	CK	1
1029712	Tom asked Mary if she wanted to ride his horse.	CK	1
903842	I think it's time for me to give her a ride home.	CK	1
1025002	Tom is hoping that he can hitch a ride to Boston.	CK	1
1354819	Tom rode his motorcycle across the United States.	AMIKEMA	1
1024356	Tom overslept and missed the bus he usually rides.	CK	1
3056588	The train that Tom was riding was hit by lightning.	WestofEden	1
1026792	Tom can't drive a car so he always rides a bicycle.	CK	1
1026354	Tom didn't know how to ride a bicycle at that time.	CK	1
1093884	Tom had a hard time learning how to ride a bicycle.	CK	1
2060376	How old were you when you learned to ride a bicycle?	CK	1
3023178	When I lived in Boston, I rode my bicycle every day.	CK	1
1889709	Tom rode his bicycle down a quiet residential street.	CK	1
1027367	Like many other students, Tom rides a bicycle to school.	CK	1
1029677	Tom asked Mary to give him a ride to the amusement park.	CK	1
1024317	Tom put new pedals on the bicycle that he rides to school.	CK	1
953272	For your own safety, never ride in a car with a drunk driver.	CK	1
1134607	Daddy, I can't walk any more. Could you give me a piggyback ride?	CK	1
1095559	Tom can't ride a bicycle very well yet, so his bicycle has training wheels.	CK	1
2169054	You need a ride?	Hybrid
248983	We rode on a boat.	CK
2476834	I'm hopping a ride.	arnxy20
1520866	Thanks for the ride.	Spamster
1635317	Can we ride with you?	Amastan
258203	I must ride a bicycle.	CK
314580	Can she ride a bicycle?	CK
1740856	He gave me a ride home.	Spamster
298480	He is riding a bicycle.	CK
1488496	I'm out riding my bike.	weihaiping
15861	You can't ride a horse.	CK
34498	Bill can ride a bicycle.	CK
298482	Can't he ride a bicycle?	CK
1815728	Do you need a ride home?	Spamster
322819	He is riding for a fall.	CM
262361	I can ride a horse, too.	CK