English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Mine" in Example Sentences
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48646	None of the money is mine.	CK
2544572	Tom is your son, not mine.	CK
3079531	Tom was a patient of mine.	CK
881498	He's an old friend of mine.	alexmarcelo
1879675	It's his problem, not mine.	Spamster
750879	This dictionary isn't mine.	Guybrush88
2543887	You have something of mine.	CK
57682	A part of this land is mine.	CK
1360853	All of these books are mine.	xrchz
297429	He's a contemporary of mine.	CM
1787892	I am yours and you are mine.	sadhen
1879674	It's your problem, not mine.	Spamster
1529523	That guy's a friend of mine.	erikspen
68230	That small one is also mine.	CK
453143	The CD on the table is mine.	FeuDRenais
70396	Your hat is similar to mine.	CK
371425	An uncle of mine is a doctor.	saeb
1678420	He was killed by a land mine.	Spamster
481892	Her bike is better than mine.	MUIRIEL
309308	Her work is superior to mine.	CM
786457	His bike is better than mine.	Serhiy
284467	His ideas conflict with mine.	CM
1170857	Mine is not as good as yours.	mickey86
3315097	They're not big fans of mine.	CK
2512860	This mine is 500 meters deep.	sharptoothed
70670	Your idea is similar to mine.	CK
17355	Your pen is better than mine.	CK
3082799	Are these books yours or mine?	patgfisher
2253203	He's a former student of mine.	_undertoad
1099716	His essay is better than mine.	CK
287763	His interests clash with mine.	CM
1099713	His paper is better than mine.	CK
287821	His paper is superior to mine.	CM
2643029	It was your mistake, not mine.	CK
1365621	It's not his idea, it is mine.	CK
52586	John is a good friend of mine.	CK
2267807	That business was a gold mine.	_undertoad
20535	The watch on the desk is mine.	NekoKanjya
60148	This house is mine, not yours.	Eldad
2780736	Tom is an old student of mine.	sharptoothed
2662386	Tom is а good friend of mine.	sharptoothed
17102	Your bike is better than mine.	CK
660097	Your guess is as good as mine.	darinmex
3121528	Your hair is longer than mine.	Guybrush88
70650	Your purse is similar to mine.	CK
3315096	Your room is bigger than mine.	CK
3010233	Your suit is the same as mine.	alexmarcelo
298869	He fitted his schedule to mine.	Eldad
3066121	That camera over there is mine.	nueby
42102	That is the same color as mine.	CK