English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Action" in Example Sentences
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805387	Western leaders condemned the action.	Source_VOA
2833850	Actions are more important than words.	Nero
287708	His brave action is worthy of a medal.	CM
1000822	I won't be responsible for my actions.	Guybrush88
807334	The president wanted immediate action.	Source_VOA
807341	Tokyo wasted no time in taking action.	Source_VOA
2264705	At least six hundred men died in action.	_undertoad
1583568	His brave actions are worthy of a medal.	sinatra
286895	His prompt action prevented an epidemic.	CK
317897	The accused tried to justify his actions.	CM
23481	All we need now is action, not discussion.	NekoKanjya
3094509	Did Tom suggest to you a course of action?	CK
17342	I don't know what to make of your actions.	CK
246463	I take full responsibility for the action.	CK
20168	Please indicate what action you will take.	NekoKanjya
249208	We agreed that his actions were warranted.	CK
1343981	He spoke despairingly of his son's actions.	Chrikaru
261445	I will take such action as seems necessary.	Dejo
279564	The angry citizens took action immediately.	CM
270272	A madman is not accountable for his actions.	CM
40413	Everyone is responsible for his own actions.	CK
298610	He tried to rationalize his foolish actions.	CK
805393	His actions greatly angered Mexican leaders.	Source_VOA
48441	The action took place in a mountain village.	CK
1009925	Where can I download action movies for free?	cruzedu73
21013	Environmental problems call for quick action.	CK
270667	Prompt action prevents trouble in the future.	CM
314663	She took full responsibility for her actions.	CK
328215	What on earth spurred them to such an action?	CM
395664	I believe the actions that he took were right.	CM
284119	It's clear from his actions that he loves her.	Dejo
3046412	Recent events have prompted us to take action.	Whitney
2264226	He proved that actions speak louder than words.	sharptoothed
3144537	It was Tom who suggested this course of action.	CK
2483354	The commission has promised to take action soon.	sharptoothed
805317	No one found any reason to criticize his actions.	Source_VOA
1533758	Reaction is not always the best course of action.	erikspen
3061147	Tom needs to take responsibility for his actions.	CK
270166	We sometimes judge others based on their actions.	CK
807687	President Clinton denied any dishonorable actions.	Source_VOA
40320	The dancer's graceful action charmed the audience.	CK
263778	The situation seemed to call for immediate action.	CM
2512884	We must try to determine the best course of action.	sharptoothed
2476543	Tom was thinking of the consequences of his actions.	arnxy20
238368	The police took immediate action to deal with the riot.	Nero
667883	Action speaks louder than words, but not nearly as often.	CK
605116	For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.	darinmex
243959	A pinch hitter was brought into action in the last inning.	CM
681933	Do you believe global warming is the result of human actions?	Source_VOA
263769	We took action immediately so that things wouldn't get worse.	CK