Tab-delimited Bilingual Sentence Pairs
These are selected sentence pairs from the Tatoeba Project.

Updated: 2024-04-01

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  • If you don't already use Anki, vist the website at to download this free application for Macintosh, Windows or Linux.

About These Files

  • Any flashcard program that can import tab-delimited text files, such as Anki (free) can use these files.
  • Warning! There are errors in the Tatoeba Corpus. (Detailed Warning)
  • In order to minimize the number of errors, I only used sentences that were owned by identified native speakers working on the Tatoeba Project and English sentences that I've personally checked and did not reject.
  • Warning! Please remember that even doing this may not have eliminated all errors.

How the Data Looks

English + TAB + The Other Language + TAB + Attribution

This work isn't easy.	この仕事は簡単じゃない。	CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: #3737550 (CK) & #7977622 (Ninja)
Those are sunflowers.	それはひまわりです。	CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: #441940 (CK) & #205407 (arnab)
Tom bought a new car.	トムは新車を買った。	CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: #1026984 (CK) & #2733633 (tommy_san)
This watch is broken.	この時計は壊れている。	CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: #58929 (CK) & #221604 (bunbuku)
The attribution gets imported into Anki as a tag, by default This attribution contains the domain name of the source material, the sentences' ID numbers and the sentence owners' usernames. You can basically ignore the attribution field if you are using this material for personal use and not redistributing these files. However, it's needed here to comply with the CC-BY license.

Terms of Use

  • Read the Terms of Use, if you plan to use these files. These files are released under the same license. (Attibution: and
  • The owner of has suggested that the CC-BY license means that you also must give attribution to each sentence owner of sentences you use if you want to redistribute this material.

How to Import into Anki

See These Sentences Online

  • Bilingual Sentences
    The online pages only include the languages with 100 or more bilingual pairs.
    Many of these have audio.

More Information about These Sentences

  • This part of our website uses sentences from the Tatoeba Project. (Read About the Tatoeba Project)
  • I have attempted to filter out sentences that are potentially offensive and not appropriate for all ages and cultures. If you find something that should be removed, please send me a "bug report."
  • These are sorted by length, with the shortest sentences first.

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This page is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.