English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Toast" in Example Sentences
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2358835	I have a toaster.	CK	1
38294	I've burnt the toast.	Zifre	1
2630282	Tom burned his toast.	meerkat	1
1095719	Tom buttered his toast.	CK	1
2011837	Who wants French toast?	CK	1
38298	I had to fix the toaster.	CK	1
1936405	I'd like to make a toast.	CK	1
1936393	I'd like to propose a toast.	CK	1
312224	She has broken the toaster again.	CK	1
1024138	Tom sprinkled some sugar on the toast.	CK	1
1027051	Tom ate three eggs and a slice of toast.	CK	1
1961841	I thought you'd want butter on your toast.	CK	1
2028645	I'd like some toast if you are making some.	CK	1
277792	I always have coffee and toast for breakfast.	CK	1
1938776	I thought Tom would want butter on his toast.	CK	1
1105997	In the morning, I like to put honey on my toast.	CK	1
259474	I like to spread honey on my toast in the morning.	CK	1
2033967	All I want is a cup of coffee and a piece of toast.	CK	1
1423217	Tom gave me a couple of slices of toast and a glass of milk.	CK	1
1040566	Tom rolled out of bed at 6:30, shuffled into the kitchen and put two slices of bread into the toaster.	CK	1
2545220	Tom ate a piece of toast.	CK
1497770	I ate toast for breakfast.	Eldad
3154897	Are you going to eat that toast?	CK
2267116	I want coffee, toast, and jelly.	_undertoad
277775	I like coffee and toast for breakfast.	CK
388707	Keiko, do you have any buttered toast?	CK
311706	She spread honey thickly on her toast.	CK
2956967	Tom held up his wine glass for a toast.	CK
2263571	I prefer coffee and toast for breakfast.	Ninche
2640848	Tom plans to throw away his old toaster.	CK
3150790	I bought the same toaster that Tom bought.	CK
3086951	Tom put two pieces of bread in the toaster.	CK
2538166	Tom put two slices of bread in the toaster.	CK
33572	I only have toast and coffee in the morning.	CK
3187250	Tom spread some strawberry jam on his toast.	CK
3086953	Tom put two pieces of bread into the toaster.	CK
38297	I'd like two slices of toast and a cup of tea.	CK
60813	There is a one-year guarantee on this toaster.	CK
2958413	Tom unplugged the toaster and put it in a box.	CK
249518	We have a big stove which keeps us very toasty.	CM
3043586	I thought Tom had already unplugged the toaster.	CK
3073647	Tom found a half-eaten apple behind the toaster.	CK
259469	I like lots of butter on my toast in the morning.	CK
3154760	Tom ate a piece of toast and drank a cup of coffee.	CK
2537366	Tom put a couple of slices of bread into the toaster.	CK
255190	I ate a modest breakfast of toast, coffee, and one egg.	Zifre
3154848	I ate three eggs and two pieces of toast for breakfast.	CK
578298	They raised their glasses and toasted to their success.	darinmex
3046240	My mom usually has toast and a glass of milk for breakfast.	McBridge9
753521	When he runs out of knives, Lyle butters his toast with a spoon.	papabear