English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Spaghetti" in Example Sentences
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2245977	I made spaghetti.	CK	1
2868031	Tom made spaghetti.	Amastan	1
2237174	Tom likes spaghetti.	CK	1
1492147	Tom is eating spaghetti.	Spamster	1
1164430	Tom made spaghetti for dinner.	CK	1
1093330	Tom knows how to cook spaghetti.	CK	1
1024160	Tom showed me how to make spaghetti.	CK	1
2019128	I don't want spaghetti again tonight.	CK	1
2431542	I'm pretty good at cooking spaghetti.	CK	1
680921	You have some spaghetti sauce on your face.	Source_VOA	1
953425	I don't like pizza any more than I like spaghetti.	CK	1
1093294	Tom likes his spaghetti noodles a little on the hard side.	CK	1
953411	I consider spaghetti to be one of the greatest foods in the world.	CK	1
1097955	This is spaghetti.	cntrational
1710426	We boil water to cook spaghetti.	Amastan
2399375	Spaghetti is high in carbohydrates.	orcrist
3066908	Tom makes the best spaghetti in the world.	CK
51866	I like to add basil to season my spaghetti sauce.	CK
1847846	Do you eat spaghetti by twirling it around your fork?	CK
2952022	I don't think I've made enough spaghetti for everyone.	CK
1898009	Whenever I cook spaghetti noodles, I set an egg timer.	CK
2958236	Tom stirred the spaghetti sauce while his mother set the table.	CK
1412074	If the spaghetti sticks when you throw it against the wall, it's done.	darinmex