English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Slowly" in Example Sentences
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31566	Could you please speak a little bit more slowly?	CK	1
51493	Excuse me, could you say that again more slowly?	CK	1
292996	He spoke slowly enough for everyone to understand.	CK	1
1315695	He walked slowly so the children would be able to follow.	CK	1
326548	You're speaking a little too fast for me. Would you speak a little more slowly?	CK	1
2487129	Tom works slowly.	MarlonX19
2179084	She did it slowly.	Hybrid
30391	Speak more slowly.	CM
293210	He stood up slowly.	CK
1549770	Snails move slowly.	Spamster
2831763	Please drive slowly.	kevinhsu
514834	Speak slowly, please.	blay_paul
456539	Old people walk slowly.	lukaszpp
1249701	His heart beated slowly.	satsu
802944	He slowly raised the gun.	Source_VOA
312387	She slowly moved forward.	CK
680423	To relax, breathe slowly.	Source_VOA
852899	Can you speak more slowly?	piksea
320510	He is walking very slowly.	CK
288021	He read the letter slowly.	CK
1707	Speak more slowly, please!	Swift
2259277	The car moved very slowly.	_undertoad
315387	She slowly closed her eyes.	CK
2259261	The balloon went up slowly.	_undertoad
2643930	Tom opened the door slowly.	CK
2643909	Tom slowly opened the door.	CK
434474	Could you speak more slowly?	lukaszpp
299021	He drove slowly up the hill.	CK
298854	He repeated his name slowly.	CK
294716	He went up the steps slowly.	CK
312388	She closed her diary slowly.	CK
43776	The blind men walked slowly.	CK
30484	Won't you speak more slowly?	CK
2270587	Would you speak more slowly?	_undertoad
2703770	Can you speak slowly, please?	Guybrush88
1733822	His health ebbed slowly away.	darinmex
273903	My grandmother speaks slowly.	CK
314744	She repeated her name slowly.	CK
20341	The balloon descended slowly.	NekoKanjya
2542815	Tom is slowly getting better.	CK
2643171	Tom sipped his coffee slowly.	CK
30490	You ought to eat more slowly.	CK
255062	I walked as slowly as I could.	CK
2253644	The car slowly gathered speed.	_undertoad
1544435	The economy progressed slowly.	Bah_Dure
316996	She walked slowly away from me.	CK
302303	He sipped the hot coffee slowly.	CK
297546	He told me to speak more slowly.	CK
2259032	Let's go down the stairs slowly.	_undertoad
2674515	Please speak slowly and clearly.	WestofEden