English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Sign" in Example Sentences
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1526517	Sign here.	pauldhunt	1
2111555	Sign this.	CK	1
2249009	It's a sign.	CK	1
2247808	I'll sign it.	CK	1
2549680	Tom signed in.	CK	1
3151533	Give me a sign.	CK	1
61820	Just sign here.	CK	1
2249455	Just sign this.	CK	1
2549488	That was a sign.	CK	1
3326790	Where do I sign?	CK	1
2549341	I'll sign for it.	CK	1
2249964	Sign these forms.	CK	1
2215727	Tom will sign it.	CK	1
1691413	I signed the form.	aka_aj	1
2271987	I won't sign this.	CK	1
3178627	It must be a sign.	CK	1
2249807	Please sign these.	CK	1
1860607	Sign on this line.	CK	1
2249963	Sign the contract.	CK	1
3312637	We just signed up.	CK	1
2548692	I'm not signing it.	CK	1
3192785	This is a bad sign.	CK	1
61821	Could you sign here?	CK	1
299552	He signed the check.	CK	1
1852498	Sign the guest book.	CK	1
2647420	Tom signed a prenup.	CK	1
2647419	Tom signed a waiver.	CK	1
2548071	Tom signed his name.	CK	1
2647418	Tom signed the bill.	CK	1
61818	Would you sign here?	CK	1
2376103	I know sign language.	CK	1
3330255	I've got to sign off.	CK	1
3178628	It's probably a sign.	CK	1
50940	Sign your name there.	CK	1
2646864	Tom signed the check.	CK	1
3329984	I'll sign it tomorrow.	CK	1
2646308	Tom signed the orders.	CK	1
3151607	Can you give me a sign?	CK	1
2275786	Didn't you sign a lease?	CK	1
2387785	I need Tom to sign this.	CK	1
2011932	I want Tom to sign this.	CK	1
1092914	Tom signed the contract.	CK	1
2281758	We didn't see any signs.	CK	1
67081	What does that sign say?	CK	1
59557	What does this sign say?	bannedagain	1
54155	Will you sign it for me?	CK	1
2406519	I signed the lease today.	CK	1
2545324	I'm not signing anything.	CK	1
2644947	Tom didn't sign his will.	CK	1
1662932	Tom is signing documents.	Amastan	1