English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Short" in Example Sentences
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2278586	I'm short.	FeuDRenais	1
958757	Life's short.	FeuDRenais	1
1024873	Tom is short.	CK	1
3172328	Are you short?	CK	1
3330188	I'm not short.	CK	1
697222	Life is short.	rpglover64	1
2249581	Make it short.	CK	1
436445	I am too short.	lukaszpp	1
2355816	I'm very short.	CK	1
2249335	It's too short.	CK	1
2713771	It's very short.	CK	1
2273240	Tom is in shorts.	CK	1
259389	I like short hair.	CK	1
320493	It's a short walk.	CK	1
55511	This is too short.	CK	1
2238788	Tom stopped short.	CK	1
259390	I like short poems.	CK	1
253273	I'm short of money.	CK	1
270532	Life is very short.	CK	1
309638	She has short hair.	CK	1
1025311	Tom has short hair.	CK	1
295437	He took a short cut.	CK	1
2713643	I'm shorter than you.	CK	1
1903291	Tom has a short fuse.	CK	1
3309016	Tom is short and fat.	CK	1
268810	We ran short of food.	CK	1
292196	He's shorter than Tom.	CK	1
2007658	Let's make this short.	CK	1
1025697	Tom gave a short talk.	CK	1
18493	We ran short of money.	CK	1
2375836	I know a shorter route.	CK	1
18652	Let's take a short cut.	CK	1
315750	She likes short skirts.	CK	1
306888	They are short of food.	CK	1
2698658	Tom has a short temper.	WestofEden	1
2821580	Tom is shorter than me.	CK	1
2546325	Tom was wearing shorts.	CK	1
296463	He's now short of money.	CK	1
37860	I'm very short of money.	CK	1
306747	They are short of funds.	CK	1
471780	Let's take a short break.	Swift	1
1841604	Let's take the short cut.	CK	1
1028511	Tom is shorter than Mary.	CK	1
22945	We've run short of money.	CK	1
302449	He had his hair cut short.	CK	1
664080	I know that life is short.	bluepie88	1
2544821	I'll try to keep it short.	CK	1
2544805	I'm cutting my trip short.	CK	1
1454260	You aren't as short as me.	CK	1
289048	He's always short of money.	CK	1